12: Swimming

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Saturday evening had been the most fun Stiles had had in a long time. The six of them had sat around the fire eating deer and laughing, Scott had even told stories about he and Derek's childhood which had been hilarious. From the sounds of it, Derek hadn't changed much from when he was younger, and Stiles had a vivid image in his head of an extremely moody looking young Derek.

It was a sunny afternoon and they were lazing around the clearing. Scott and Stiles were lying on the grass comparing video games, Dean and Derek were sitting on fold out chairs debating about cars and Sam and Castiel were pouring over a large book. Scott sat up suddenly.

"We should go for a swim!" He exclaimed. The others paused in their conversations and looked at him. Dean spoke first.
"Sure can, kid, but it'll be pretty cold." Scott's eyes sparkled.
"That doesn't matter! Let's go!" He cried, jumping up and running to the tent to change.
Everyone shrugged at each other, and followed suit.

When Scott left the tent Stiles went to go and change, he glanced at Derek who was still seated.
"Are you coming, Derek?" He asked. Derek looked almost surprised by the question but his face quickly resumed neutrality.
"How cold is it exactly?" Stiles couldn't help but laugh.
"I didn't think you of all people would be bothered by the cold." And with that he zipped up the compartment and changed into his trunks.

He pulled a hoodie over his shirtless body, feeling self conscious about being the least muscular there. Upon leaving the tent, Scott, uncle Sam and his parents were all ready. His dad spotted him.
"Stiles you realise you can't swim in a hoodie."
"Oh darn you just ruined my plans." Stiles sighed in mock irritation and began walking in the direction of the lake.

Scott caught up with him and they talked about tomorrow's classes as they made their way to the body of water. Scott had a nice body, it was tanned with a little above average amount of muscle. When they reached the edge of the lake, Scott immediately ran to the short wooden walkway that led about an eighth of the way into the water and jumped in. Stiles hurriedly pulled off his outer garment and jumped an after, shouting in shock at the temperature.

The two of them returned to the surface just as the rest of the men arrived. Stiles nearly choked on a mouthful of water as he forgot to continue swimming when he caught sight of Derek. He was an absolute Adonis. His pectorals were large, his biceps bulging and abdominals rippling. There was a spattering of hair on his chest which he found oddly attractive, but what Stiles couldn't take his eyes off were the deep cut lines leading down past the hem of his shorts. Not to mention the little veins trailing down there too...

He was lucky the water was freezing cold.

Dean grabbed his husband's wrist and they ran up the boardwalk and leapt off it, creating a huge combined splash. Sam followed with a cannonball that made an equally large amount of water spray over all of them and finally, Derek. He walked right to the end with a dead serious expression on his face, then dived in, his entry hardly disturbing the water.

Scott groaned, rolling his eyes.
"He swam in high school."
Stiles would have to ask more about that, and maybe see if Melissa had any recordings of competitions and such.

The six of them messed around, splashing each other and yelping at the cold. Stiles aimed a particularly large wave of water at Derek and Scott who were battling it out. But when it died down, only Scott remained. He looked around to see where Derek had swum off to, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, he felt strong hands on his calves and he screamed bloody murder as they dragged him down, completely submerging him in the water. When he was under, one of the hands brushed his waist and he writhed about as the other brushed his thigh. Then in a moment, the touch was gone.

Just as he came to the surface, gasping, he spotted Derek pop up next to Dean and Castiel, who were laughing along with Scott and Sam.
"That was quite a manly scream, kid." His dad sniggered, evidently struggling to stay afloat from laughing so hard.

"Nice one, Derek." Scott grinned, high fiving his brother. He wanted to be embarrassed and annoyed, but he just couldn't. The atmosphere was so good between he and the people he loved, he didn't think anything could sour his mood.

What had meant to be a quick swim, had dragged out into the entire afternoon and they were a little pressed for time when they got out. Stiles and Scott had school tomorrow and needed a good night's sleep in a comfy bed after their Wild Winchester Weekend. They were in good spirits as they walked back to camp in the early evening.

"This weekends gotta be the most fun I've had in a while." Scott sighed happily, trotting along at Dean's side.
"Glad to hear it, Scotty. You've already got an invite for the next time we do this." He clapped the boy on the shoulder.

Stiles couldn't help but smile, he glanced up at Derek who was next to him as they took up the rear of the group. He was watching his brother and Stiles' dad with a strange look on his face. Stiles nudged him, the older man looked down in surprise.
"Hm?" He said. Stiles raised his eyebrows, nodding at Scott.

A small smile flitted across his face.
"Scott never had anyone to do stuff like this with when he was a kid." He said quietly. Stiles felt a little stab in his chest, he was so lucky to have parents like Dean and Castiel but he forgot that Scott never really had a dad. He stared at the ground as they walked, feeling bad for being jealous of him and his dad when they were hunting.

He felt a hand stroke his, his eyes shot to Derek, who was fixing him with an intense stare. Stiles didn't know why, but he got the overwhelming feeling that Derek was thanking him. A wave of confidence kicking in, he held onto his hand, squeezing it. Derek's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't pull away.

They strolled hand in hand, through the dark forest until they reached camp and Stiles was forced to let go. A sinking disappointment set in, it had felt so natural to do this with Derek and he hadn't wanted to stop. He could only try and focus on packing up with everyone, and ignore the sensation that something was missing.

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