23: Scarfed and Deadly

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A/N: So this chapter is dedicated to Scorpio6 for pretty much giving me the idea! Thank you and keep leaving your five star comments!

Scott sat beside Allison, desperately trying to act interested in what her best friend Lydia was saying, but when you don't care about this seasons heels it's pretty difficult. He glanced around the cafeteria for something to entertain him, when he spotted Stiles enter, a boy with curly, dirty blond hair and a mischievous smile at his side. A smell hit him, an unfamiliar one he hadn't smelt in a long time and it had his wolf internally howling.

He kissed Allison on the cheek,
"Hey I'm gonna go sit with Stiles, see you after biology?" He said, Allison smiled and nodded. He walked over to the table he and Stiles usually shared and slumped down.
"Thank God. I thought if I had to listen to one more mention of heels I'd turn into one." He sighed. Stiles chuckled and nudged mystery boy.

"This is Scott, Scott this is Isaac." Isaac reached a hand over the table to fist bump Scott.
"What's up?" They regarded each other carefully for a few moments, Scott's dark eyes fixed on Isaac's pretty blue ones. That's when it hit Scott, the boy sitting in front of him was a werewolf.
"How come I've never seen you around before?" He asked.

Isaac shot Stiles a look then turned back to Scott.
"I took a year out." He shrugged.
"Isaac's a pretty cool guy, he wears a lot of scarves but he's cool." Stiles added, Scott nodded thoughtfully. He didn't know what it was about Isaac but he made him want to wolf out and run through a forest at top speed.

"How come I've never seen you around before?" Isaac asked, Stiles rolled his eyes.
"I'm pretty new, I joined last month." Scott answered.
"Yeah you are pretty... New." Isaac murmured, had Scott heard that right?
"Well Isaac's probably gonna be hanging around with us now he's back, not a lot of people appreciate his uh personality. That's cool right Scott?" Stiles interrupted the strange tension that had formed.

"Yeah that's cool, the more the merrier right?" He smiled at Isaac who raised an eyebrow.
"Eh. I'm too possessive for threesomes."
"Isaac!" Stiles snapped, flushing a little. "Isaac's gay, not that the scarves didn't make that perfectly clear." He elaborated. Scott couldn't help but laugh, he liked how blunt Isaac was, he got straight to the point. Well, maybe not straight to the point but his brazen humour was entertaining.

"That's cool with me. Guess I'm the only non gay in the gang now." Isaac's head whipped round to face Stiles at this.
"Since when did you join the dark side?" He asked, evidently shocked.
"Since I met Scott's older brother." Stiles chuckled guiltily.
"An older man... Nice going Stiles." Isaac smirked.
"Can we not talk about my older brother?" Scott whined.

Isaac elbowed Stiles.
"Let's see a picture." He grinned and Stiles took out his phone.
"Since when do you have pictures of Derek?!" Scott cried, why was he so out of the loop when it came to... Well, everything. The pair ignored his protests and he could only sit and watch as Stiles and Isaac ogled his brother.

By the end of lunch, Scott had decided he liked Isaac, he was even glad that he'd be part of he and Stiles' duo from now on. He was still mildly confused as to why Isaac set his wolf off almost every time he got a whiff of his scent or saw anyone else touch him, but he simply put it down to it being unaccustomed to being around other wolves. Maybe it'd be nice to have someone other than Derek to talk to about wolf problems.

Standing next to Scott, intentionally of course, Isaac began to change for gym class. He allowed himself a few glances at semi-nude Scott, he had just the type of physique he liked, not too muscular, but gorgeously defined limbs. A voice brought him out of his stupor.

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