Chapter 2

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Rose point of view:

I hate hospitals. They are cold, loud, and creepy. I have spent most of my senior year in the academy's medical center, and not as a volunteer. After 2 days of being in the hospital, I feel so useless.

Now I can talk a little bit better, but I constantly run out of breath very fast. The guardians now know about Robert. Liss and Adrian asked if they could heal me, but I couldn't let them take that much stress. They already had too much to worry about with my dream problem. They took turns to protect my sleep from that son of a bitch, Robert. Wen Lissa has to attend a royal meeting, Adrian comes and takes her place.
Today I feel better and the guardians are going to interrogate me about Robert.

"Are you sure you can do this, we can wait?" said Dimitri while fixing my pillow. The neck brace that I was wearing was so uncomfortable, but I couldn't say it hurt, because the doctors would give me more medication. I hated the medicines. They took the pain away but made me feel weak and sleepy.

"Y-yes I can do this" my voice was low but full of emotion.

"Ok, but take it slow" he kissed my forehead and then the door open. Abe entered with 2 guardians, and Adrian came behind them.

"Good morning Rose," Abe said while sitting down in the little lounge area of my room. Abe made the doctors take me to the most luxurious room in the hospital. The room had 2 large leader couches, a little table, closet, another table with 3 chairs, and to top it of flat screen tv.

"Good m-morning old man" I winked at Ade. Dimitri just made a little laughing noise, referring to my comment.

"Miss Hathaway should we start with the questions" a tall guy about my age flipped through his clipboard.

"Yes," I said trying to sound tuff
even though I was all beaten up.

"When did this all started," said the guardian.

Time skip

After 1 hour my throat was burning. I answered all the questions about Robert. About how we meet, how I kill Victor, and about the dream. Adrian explained about how spirit dreams work, and how Robert opened my injuries. After the interrogation, they said that Robert would be searched by all guardians and alchemists nearby.

"Rose, do you need anything?" Dimitri came back into my room after the guardians left. He was really concerned with my health, and with my protection. He and Abe insisted on me having and guardian ate all the time. Therefore Eddie and Abe's guardian was outside of my room while Dimitri was inside protecting me. I thought it was ridiculous for a guardian to have a bodyguard, but I don't mind Dimitri benign with me all the time.

"No, thanks," I extended my hand to reach his.

"Rose, I am so happy you are recovering so well. I was so scared when I saw blood coming out of your chest. If you had died I wouldn't -I couldn't live without you, I would have rather hope for this to happen to me before you." Dimitri kissed my forehead and started to stroke my hair.

"I am glad that you're not going through this, it's not a pleasant feeling, comrade. I don't think I would wish this to no one, not even my worst enemy," I was staring straight into his gorgeous dark brown eyes. The eyes that I could recognize anywhere in the world, those eyes that made me fall in love with him. He chuckled at my comment for a second and then became all business in a second.

"Rose you are being released tomorrow morning," he said while getting up. "All the royal counsel members are concerned with your condition, and about Lissa becoming a threat around you. They believe that if Robert used spirit to harm people, Lissa and Adrian can also use it against others. The guardians said that Robert is still out there and that thanks to Tasha's trial you have created enemies in court that will harm you. Therefore, Abe,  Janine, and I have all found the perfect place to keep you safe until they find Robert," he said while pacing around the room.

Rose pedals (a Vampire Academy fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora