1. introduction.

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Most story's don't have this but I'm going to introduce the protagonist in the beginning of this chapter and then transition into the actual story so y'all have a better understanding of her life + personality and a bit of where this story might be heading.

Hope y'all enjoy.


It was Celestina's 17th birthday.  The day she's suppose to have the time of her life because, well, it's her birthday. Duh.  You only turn 17 once.  But her parents come bearing news, news that changes her life forever.  And forever is a pretty long time.

Celestina Caro is an average 17 year old from an Italian descent.  She has deep brown eyes with dark long hair and is fairly tall.  She's a senior in High School, has pretty good grades and has an amazing best friend.  She loves reading books (more specifically romance genres *wink wink*), is a bit too obsessed with TV shows, and adores listening to music (Justin Bieber and Kpop is the way to go for her. *wink wink again*).  Her mother is the most beautiful and loving person and her father comes out as a scary and tough person but he loves his daughter to death. She also has a younger sister called Beatrice, who's 13.

She isn't a social butterfly.  She's a very quiet and to-herself type of person when it comes to people she doesn't know (or just people in general).  She doesn't like parties or clubbing or any social events for that matter.  She also hates stepping outside of her house.  In fact, she hates leaving her room, all together.  The only people she's very open and loud to is her mother, her sister and her best friend, Asha Nelson.

Her life seems to be so picture perfect, right?  There's just one tiny little flaw to her "average" life... She's the daughter of a very powerful mafia leader (emphasis on the 'very').  Yep, born and raised in a family that has shed more blood than Voldemort himself.  All she has seen growing up is violence.  No matter how hard her parents tried to shield her from the gruesome truth, it couldn't stay hidden because her father was too involved in the business. 

Now that you have a bit of a background on her life, I'll continue the story...

Even though it was a bit cold that day, it was still a wonderful December afternoon in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York. 

Celeste, short for Celestina, was preparing for her birthday.  By preparing, I mean sitting on her bed and watching an acoustic version of Justin Bieber's 'Sorry' on her laptop.

"Celestina Caro, what on Earth are you still doing on your bed?" Her mother comes barging into her room and yelling.  "We have guests coming in about an hour for your birthday party and you're still in your pyjamas!"

"First of all Mom, have you ever heard of knocking?" Celeste says not moving her eyes from the laptop screen.  "Second of all, I didn't ask for the birthday party.  I didn't even want the party in the first place, specially a party with 98% of people whom I wont know." She pauses her video and looks at her mom, "And I am watching Justin's acoustic of 'Sorry', please do not interrupt me while I'm watching my Justin's videos."

Her mom gives her that 'look' that almost all moms have, "I'm going to count to 5, and by the time I reach 5, you better be in your closet getting ready for your party or you'll be sorry (see what I did there. hehe) because I will do anything in my power to make sure you don't get to go to that Bieber concert next month."

Her mom starts to countdown and doesn't even reach number 3 before Celeste runs to her closet like her life depends on it.

"You're always so unfair, mom." Celeste pouts. "You're lucky I'm not like those other socialite girls who do drugs and get drunk and things like that, okay."

Her mom follows Celeste to her closet and gives her a hug all of a sudden, "You aren't going to be my little girl forever..." she says with a sad smile.  "I'm going to have to give you away one day."

Celeste looks up at her mom.  She's only seen her mom with that sad look on her face very few times in her 17 years of life.  Once was when she was around 10, she came home from school and heard her parents were having a very serious argument in her dad's office.  She peaked through the door and right then, her mom was slapped by her dad right in front of her.  Celeste screamed and ran to her mom to protect her even though she was really helpless.  That's when her mom gave her that sad smile.  She hated her dad for a while afterwards.  She didn't talk to him for months and being daddy's little girl, he promised he would never land a finger on her mom ever again.  And he kept her promise... or so she thinks.

Celeste kisses her mom on the cheek. "Don't worry about sending me away anytime soon right now, okay?" She looks at the clock and asks, "Do you know when Ash is coming by? She hasn't texted me."

"Asha has been in the kitchen for 10 minutes now.  I think she's flirting with the cook's assistant again."  Celeste's mom says as she brushes Celeste's hair.

Celeste rolls her eyes. Typical Asha.

Right then, Asha comes flying through the doors out of breath. "You're getting engaged today??!!"



So this is my first introductory-ish chapter and hopefully you guys are enjoying it so far.

I'll try updating as much as I can.

Please vote and comment and stuff :)

See you next time, my kittens. 🐱

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