16. left.

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EARLY UPDATE! I might update a few chapters in the middle of the week (no promises) because I might get some more done. YAAY!


Celeste settled herself down on the park bench, which was about a 10 minute walk from her apartment. She put on headphones and decided to let the music take control of her mind for the next few hours. It became so comfortable for her that she fell asleep on the bench.

She woken up by noises of dogs barking and kids playing. What the... it's morning? What time is it? Where am I? What day is it? She was confused out of her mind. She checked her phone, "Oh my God, It's 11AM, shit."

There were also 20 missed calls from Luca, 15 from Dante and 15 from Beatrix. And a bunch of texts from all of them.

"Oh... Whoops... I didn't tell either of them where I was..." Celeste jogged all the way home.

When she reached her building, Lorenzo wasn't at the front, like he usually was. She took the elevator up hoping she didn't worry anyone too much. She opened the door and froze, the house looked like a mess. Broken shards of glass on the floor, dented walls, misplaced furniture... Did someone break in... she thought.

She didn't take her shoes off and carefully started walking towards the dark kitchen with Luca on speed dial. She saw a dark figure in the kitchen, who was on the phone. She realized it was Luca and was about to walk towards him to ask him what happened until his phone conversation stopped him.

"I fucked up, Dante. She left, she fucking left me." Luca's voice cracked.

He paused to listen to Dante.

"No, she had to have run. The amount of shit I put her through, I fucked her over. I really fucked her over. I want her back, I need her back." The desperation in Luca's voice was hard to miss. It was clear that he was hurt over the fact that Celeste 'left'.


Celeste felt her heart pull. He was in deep vain, thinking he lost her. She didn't think he'd care, his pained words brought her sadness. Did he really care?

"Luca..." Celeste called out in a soft voice.

Luca turned towards in an instance. His eyes red from... crying? Impossible. Red from no sleep or worry? Maybe. He looked like complete chaos. He had cuts on the back of his hands, his hair in shambles, yet he still managed to look good. The moment his eyes laid on Celeste, they looked hysterical.

He dropped his phone and dashed towards Celeste and wrapped Celeste in a tight hug, as if he didn't want to lose her again. At first she was stunned at what was happening and trying to wrap her head around the phone conversation. She then wrapped her arms around his waist, listening to his fast paced heart beat.

"I thought I lost you... I thought you left me..." Luca said in a whisper. He buried his head in her neck. "I was so scared that you weren't going to come back. I really thought I fucked this up."

Celeste's heart was fluttering. She felt like there were thousands of butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Her own heart was about to jump out of her chest. She took a hand and caressed the back of his head, "I'm not going anywhere."

He pulls her out of his embrace and stares at her eyes as if trying to figure out the secrets that her soul holds. His gaze moved down to her pursed lips and that intense gaze turned into hunger. He couldn't resit any longer. He leaned in closer so their foreheads would be touching. The thoughts that were going through his head was getting harder and harder to bear.

He slammed his lips onto hers, almost knocking the air out of her lungs. She pulled away to catch her breath, she was losing herself in the kiss. She can no longer think straight, "Celestina..." he whispers slowly, drawing out each letter as if he's trying to savour them. Celeste's heart was fluttering as she clutched onto the sides of his face. She leans back in for the kiss to continue.

The kiss became deeper and deeper as his tongue pressed against the hem of her lips, asking permission to enter. Celeste's lips trembled as they parted, his tongue fighting against hers. It was pure ecstasy. Celeste was sure her knees gave away and the only thing helping her stand up was Luca's hold on her.

Both stopped to catch their breaths. Luca flashed her a genuine smile and hugged her securely. Celeste noticed the cuts on on Luca's hands and frowned, "Hey, you're bleeding. Let me go get the first aid kit." She got out of his embrace and was about to leave when he grabbed onto her hand, "I'll be back, 2 minutes." Celeste said. He nodded.

So many thoughts were going through Luca's mind. He just showed the most vulnerable side of him to Celeste. He didn't even know what had taken over him when he couldn't find Celeste last night. He sent Betty and Jenny home right after Celeste went into her room, he wanted to talk things out with her.

He lost his mental state when he couldn't find Celeste anywhere in the house. He sent off Dante and Lorenzo in search for her. He really thought she left because of all the bullshit he put her through (A/N: maybe she should've left, you meany).

He couldn't afford to lose her, he finally realized he might have a chance with someone and start over again when Celeste started to put up with all his shit. He didn't even realize he had fallen until she went missing that night.

His anger towards himself had led him to ruin the apartment. He was extremely enraged and bitter at the thought that he ruined this for himself. He couldn't let her go, she can't ever leave him.

"Luca... Luca!" Celeste snapped him out of his thoughts. She motioned at him to sit down, he did. Then he grabbed her and made her sit on his lap, grinning.

She patched him up, "There. Now who's going to clean this apartment?"

"You?" Luca teased.

"Yeah, right. I made this mess. I'll do it." Celeste said sarcastically.

"I'm kidding! I'll have my people clean it up, don't worry."

Luca nuzzled his head onto the base of Celeste's neck, "Luca, that tickles, omg." Celeste started giggling.

Their night ended with Luca attacking her... by tickling the crap out of her.

What a cute chapter... Excited for Adriana to ruin their lives? Yeah, me neither.

You can tweet me @NamjoonBieber on Twitter and @btsboys.trash on Instagram if you have any comments, questions, or want updates on the story. :)

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