28. goodbye.

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You can play the song if you'd like!


The place had blown up exactly 10 minutes after everyone had left. Celeste had been taken care of by Dante's team as they were pretty professional at patching people up.

Celeste was sitting in an open trunk of Dante's car, she looked much better. Her brown eyes, glittering as the sun lights hits them. She looked even more naive and pure. Luca could stand there and watch her all day, drinking in every single one of her perfect features.

Celeste noticed Luca staring and blushed. She motioned him to come over.

The moment Luca made it to her, he kissed her. The kiss was full of pure passion and need. The kiss lit their minds on fire, both their bodies becoming warm on the inside. Each kiss became more addictive. Luca couldn't think of going another day without her. Those kisses saved him from his agony and misery. She was his only salvation from himself.

She, too, would live and die for his touch on her body, her lips on his, her eyes boring into his. She knew that once their fates were tied together on the day of their wedding, she would be dedicating her whole life to this man. She knew that if she lost him, she'd surely lose her mind, along with her being.

They made each other whole.

Celeste broke off from the kiss, "Luca," she held his face in between her hands. "Do you think we'll work?"

Luca raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Our relationship was so toxic, so freaking messed up, can we be happy? Can we ever be truly happy together? Will we destroy each in the process of trying to love each other?" Celeste asked, her eyes begging him to comfort her.

"Is this a goodbye?" Luca asked.

"Is it? I don't know, Luca. I don't know. Please tell me!" Celeste wanted him to fight for them once. Just once, she wanted him to fight for whatever they had. She needed him to fight for her. Just this once, she needed to see him fight, and she'll be his forever.

(A/N: This is is heavily based off the song as the song inspired me to make this scene hehe)

Luca wrapped his arms tightly around her and rested his chin on her head, "You were the only one truly there for me at my darkest times, understood me, cared for me even though I thought I was broken past repair. You taught me true love, Celeste, you taught me to love again."

He kissed her forehead, "You are the light to my darkest edges, I look at you when I need a peace in my mind, I looked at you to find the calm after the storm, I look at you because you're my other half."

He kissed her left cheek, "You loved me when I turned into a heartless beast, does it look like I'll ever let you go?"

He kissed her right cheek, "You came to me like a dream, I don't deserve you but I can't live without you. This might sound dramatic, but I know I'll die without you, the moment you leave me, I'll take a gun right to my head."

She sobbed onto his chest, her hands clutching onto his t-shirt. His words were so powerful, so loving, never had she expected such from him.

He lifted her chin, "Celestina Battaglia, I love you and I will love you until my lungs give up, I will love you until my very last breath, I will love you even in the afterlife if that's a possibility. That is a promise from Luca Battaglia, who will forever be faithfully, yours." And he sealed his promise with a kiss on the lips.

(A/N: ugh Luca became such a cutie all of a sudden, WHY U DO THIS TO ME LUCA????)

Everyone erupted in cheers as a blushing Celeste realized all of the gang members were watching them the whole time.

"I'm soooooo sending this to Asha! She's going to love it!" Dante said typing away on his phone.

"Why do you always film stuff like this!!!!!" Celeste was blushing even harder as she scolded Dante.

"Because Asha always misses them! It would make her sad if I told her I saw it but she didn't. Gotta impress my leading woman." Dante winked.

Luca cupped her face in his hands and kissed her over and over again.

"Fuck, guys, get a room!" Dante teased.

In between their kisses, Celeste could feel his smile. At that moment, her life came to a full circle, she was complete, he was complete, they were complete because they were each other's halves.


Epilogue coming up!

Luca: Thank God you didn't fuck up our ending! I didn't trust you!

Me: Jeez... I can still screw you over, you know...

Luca: Fine! I'll shut my mouth! Just let me and Celeste be!

Celeste: Luca! Stop bothering her, you're so mean.

Luca: Who's side are you on???????

Celeste and I: *sticks out tongue*

Luca: *rolls eyes*

You can tweet me @NamjoonBieber on Twitter and @btsboys.trash on Instagram if you have any comments, questions, or want updates on the story. :)

Please vote and comment and let me know how y'all feel!!

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