29. epilogue.

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7 Years Later...

"Alice Rosaria Battaglia! Come back here! Your 7 months pregnant mother doesn't have the energy to run after you!" Celeste ran after her five year old daughter.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" She ran to her Luca.

"Is mommy scolding you again?" Luca picked up Alice and asked her in a singsong voice. He walks over to a panting Celeste and places a kiss on her tummy. "You can't make your baby sister tired either! That won't be too nice, will it?"

Alice shook her head, "No, Papa." She opened her arms so her mom would pick her up.

"I can never be mad at you, you cutie patootie." Celeste said tapping a finger playfully on Alice's nose as Alice giggled. She let Alice down to play around as she prepares all of their breakfast.

Luca wrapped his hands around Celeste from the back, "You're so sexy when you cook."

"You're not getting the last piece of cheese in your sandwich, it's Alice's." Celeste said then she placed a kiss on his cheek. He started placing kisses down her neck and Celeste let a quiet moan out of her mouth but quickly covered her mouth.

"Luca! Alice is here!" Celeste swatted away Luca.

Luca smirked, "We could continue this somewhere else..."

"Be quiet, Luca!" Celeste blushed.

Celeste is now 26 years old and had finished getting her chemistry degree a few years back. She has gotten herself a job and has been working as a forensic scientist for the past 2 years. Luca, who's 29, still worked in the family business but doesn't ever mix family with business as family always comes first for him.

They heard the door bell ring, Alice screamed excitedly, "Papa! Is it Anika??"

Luca opened the door and a little girl ran passed him to Alice, "Alice!!!!!" She said excitedly, it was Anika, Dante and Asha's four year old daughter.

"Celeste!!!!" Asha screamed as excitedly as her daughter and ran to hug Celeste. Her medical program training keeps her way too busy to be able to visit her best friend all the time.

Luca and Dante laughed because Asha is the same as she was seven years ago and is always over the top excited whenever she sees Celeste.

Dante had proposed to Asha a year after the kidnapping event, Asha had declined the first two times but finally accepted his proposal the third time. They had their daughter a year after.

Asha is now in her first year of residency in her medical program. Her knowledge had proved to be special as she was able to finish up medical school and internship early, making her a year or so ahead of her actual time. She plans on becoming a cardiovascular surgeon after her training. Dante is the same old, same old, which is being Luca's Consigliere. They are also expecting a second child around the same time as Celeste and Luca, except they're having a son.

"Believe it or not, people still think we somehow planned on having kids at the same time. It's not like we planned on having sex at around the same time so we could have kids at the same time. Jeez, people." Asha rolled her eyes.

"Shh, don't say that word in front of the kids." Celeste hushed her and giggled.

"Oh!! I think Beatrix is coming with her fiancé today." Asha said cheerfully. "It feels like just yesterday she turned 18 years old."

"She's only a year younger than us, Ash." Celeste stated.

"Yes, but she acts like she's 10 years younger than us, which makes me think of her as my child." Asha said.

Right on cue, the door swung open and it was Beatrix, hand-in-hand with her fiancé, Raffael Bianchi.

"MY FAVOURITE NIECES OF ALL TIME! YOUR FAVOURITE AUNTIE IS HERE!" The first thing Beatrix did was shower the two kids with love and affection.

Beatrix is now 25 years old and has been working as a psychotherapist, while studying on getting her PhD.

"Auntie Bea! Auntie Bea!" The kids cheered her on. 

Raffael hugged the kids and made his way to Celeste and Asha and greeted them then went and sat with the men.

Raffael and Beatrix had been dating for four years, it would've been longer if Beatrix didn't always decline him whenever he asked her out on dates. She had a hard time trusting him after the whole Adriana thing. However, after Luca cleared up to her that Raffael was being blackmailed and he helped Luca to find Celeste, she agreed to go out with him. And ever since, she's been head-over-heels in love with him. Leading to a few months ago, when he proposed.

Everyone sat at the table and Celeste smiled and said, "Our lives have changed so much in the past few years. It's changed for the good."

Luca put his hand on top of hers, "Love and family is something that's irreplaceable. When you love, make sure to fight for them, fight till you can't fight anymore." He kisses her forehead.

"I'm happy for our small family so full of love for each other. Our kids are going to get something that a lot of us lacked in our childhood, which is love." Dante said as he kisses Asha's hand.

Everyone smiled as they continued on with their lunch, laughing and giggling through the happiness that they all worked so hard for.

"Forget all the reasons why it WON'T work and believe the one reason why it WILL."
- Unknown

The End.

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