2. mine.

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"I'm what?!" Celeste looks at her best friend with wide eyes.  "I'm not getting engaged.  Especially not today.  What the heck.  Who the hell told you I'm getting engaged?"

Celeste's mom started to become uncomfortable and was fidgeting.

Asha was exhausted from running "I heard... your dad... talking... on the phone... about..." she says each word while gasping for air. 

"Heard him talking about what? What was he saying? TELL ME!" Celeste was getting impatient.

"Let's not talk about this now.  You have no time. You have to get ready for—" her mom was panicking.

Celeste stopped her mom mid-sentence, "You knew about this? What's happening? MOMMM TELL ME THIS INSTANCE."

Both the girls have their eyes on her.  Her mom takes a deep breathe, "Yes, Asha's correct. You're getting engaged today.  Your father and I thought it's better if it was done earlier rather than later.  I'm sure the man your father chose is good for you."

Celeste's voice cracked, "Good for me?  How do you know if he's good for me?  Have you ever seem him?  Do you know anything about him?  Do you even know his name?" She was at the verge of tears. She was trying everything possible in order to not cry. 

Her mom ignored her questions, "Celestina, I'm sorry, but in this type of family, things like this is bound to happen.  You know this, I know this, and everyone that belongs to families like ours knows this.  Once a decision is made by your father, there's no going back. " She starts heading towards the door.  "Please start getting ready and look nice.  Guests are going to start arriving soon." And left the room without looking at Celeste.

Celeste stood there, speechless.  Her tears sprang free. She put her hands on her face and cried because that's all she could do.

My own parents are giving me away.  Just like that.

Asha didn't know what to say or how to make her best friend feel better because there wasn't a single thing to say that could make her feel better about an engagement she never knew was happening.  So all she did was hug her best friend as tightly as possible.

Asha put a finger under Celeste's chin and lifted her head, "Hey, you could always say no to the marriage, right?  I'm sure your parents love you enough to respect your decisions."

Celeste gave a small sad laugh.  "My dad would never, ever change his decision.  He's doing this because he gets something out of it for himself, I know it."

"Maybe the guy's cute.  That makes everything better, right?" Asha said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"If he's a 50 year old man, i'm jumping off the terrace." Celeste said giving a small smile. Both the girls laughed with all they had, not knowing how badly things are going to change in the next few hours.

One thing Celeste knew for sure though, that the moment she puts on that ring, she will be screwed and also that her life was about to become a living hell.


"YOU CAN'T CATCH USSSSSSSSSS!!!" Asha was running around the house, holding Celeste's favourite autographed Justin Bieber t-shirt.  And Celeste's sister, Beatrice was running holding her favourite Bangtan Boys sweatshirt.

"BOTH OF YOU NEED TO GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF. PLEASE. OH MY GOD. DON'T MESS WITH IT. PLEASE." Celeste was screaming trying to catch up.  "That's not fair.  How am i suppose to chase two people at once. JUST GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF."

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