14. you.

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Dante and Beatrix were doing everything in their power to avoid the so-called Adriana they just saw. They weren't too sure if it was her because they haven't confirmed with anyone yet but they weren't going to take chances. They were so sure she had died all those years ago but in the world of Mafia, even the dead could come back to life.

Dante had gone to Luca to help him curve Adriana.

"Hey, Celeste, the party's getting boring, you wanna go home?" Beatrix asked.

"Yes, please. I wanted to leave the moment I stepped inside this place." Celeste anxiously wanted to go home. She hated being in places full of people.

"Great! I'm gonna ask mio fratelli (my brothers) if they want to- actually they have to come home." Beatrix said as she left to go find her brothers. "Wait here, don't move."

Celeste nodded.


"Fratelli (brothers)! The ladies want to go home." Beatrix said as she approached her brothers.

Since Beatrix was their only sister and the youngest sibling, she was always showered with love and care by her brothers. She hadn't known their mom as their mom left when she was very young so her brothers never let her feel unloved.

"Mia sorella (my sister), we still have the rest of the evening before this is over." Luca said lovingly.

"Celeste and I want to go home!!! LETS GO HOME!!!!" Beatrix was putting her foot down. No way was she going to have this Adriana and Luca bump into each other. She's taking him home whether it's the last thing she does.

Dante agreed, "She's right. Let's go home. I'm not feeling this party."

"What's gotten into you two? You never saw you guys complaining about parties before?" Luca raised his eyebrow. "Is Celeste's anti-social personality rubbing off on you two?"

"I don't want to answer any questions. Either you're taking us home or Celeste and I are taking a cab home." Beatrix said stubbornly. She really needed him to agree.

Luca looked at Dante who was acting strangely as well and looked like he wanted to go home badly. He sighed, "Fine, we'll go home. Let me wrap up my conversation with these men, I'll be there in 5."

Both Dante and Beatrix looked at each other in relief. "Okay, we'll be over there." Beatrix pointed at where Celeste was standing.

Luca left to go finish up some business conversations.

"Did he agree?" Celeste asked.

"How can he say no to his only little sister?" Dante said cheerfully.

"Yessssss! I can't wait to change into sweatpants. This dress is way too revealing and itchy, my body needs a breather." Celeste said itching her legs.

"Yeah, your dress isn't as bad compared to that bi- I mean compared to a lot of the girls here." Beatrix quickly covered up what she was trying to say. Dante shot Beatrix a stfu look.

"Ready to go?" Luca interrupted them.

"YES, ABOUT TIME, LUCA!" Beatrix was practically dragging Luca out. She couldn't act a little less suspicious, fuck, Dante thought.

Celeste held in her laughter at seeing Beatrix so eager to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait." Dante stopped Beatrix. "Let Luca escort Celeste, they do have to look lovey-dovey in front of the guests." He smirked.

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