4. wedding. (Part 1)

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Hellooooo!!!! OMG sorry I haven't updated for years for anyone who wanted to read... *bows in shame* I kinda gave up on the story bc I didn't have the inspo to continue but I think I want to start again.

Hope you enjoy!

*Exactly a year after; aka on her 18th birthday*

"CELESTEEEEEEE!!!! YOUR WEDDING STARTS IN 20 MINUTES.  GURL, GET IN YOUR DRESS!" Asha screams as she runs around getting things organized.

"But I don't wanna get married... I'M ONLY 18.  I BARELY JUST PASSED MY DRIVING TEST.  AND TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO.  WHO THE HELL GETS MARRIED AGAINST THEIR WILL ON THEIR BIRTHDAY???" Celeste's couldn't contain her voice.  She wanted to run away but knew that would be useless because she isn't good with directions, which means it won't take long for people to find her.

She had lost her mind months ago.  She couldn't think straight.  She barely passed her driving test because she couldn't focus and the person who was taking her test, clearly didn't like her either.  But she passed and then she drove to the library every chance she got because being at home reminded her of how close her wedding was. 

"When your parents were asking you when you want your wedding to be, you literally just shrugged and your dad decided it should be on your birthday and you didn't react.  So who's fault is this?" Asha stood in front of Celeste with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Are you my best friend or the devil from hell?" Celeste asks.

"A bit of both." Asha smirks.

Asha had tried everything in the last 12 months to get Celeste's parents to call off the wedding.  At one point, she was even threatened by Celeste's dad that if she tried messing anything else up, she won't see his good side anymore.  Celeste realized that if Asha fought for her anymore, she would probably end up dead because her dad is not a patient man and rarely shows mercy, kind of like the man she's marrying. Wow... how ironic...

Celeste always dreamed that her wedding would be small and simple. She knows it was stupid dream since she's from an Italian mafia family, which means her parents would know hundreds of thousands of people to invite. She didn't want anything too lavish because she's not a glamorous person. She was born into a wealthy, very wealthy, family but never went out to shop all the luxury the material world had to offer. She always used her money to help the ones in need because she knew she won't be taking all this wealth into the grave with her. Her parents and her best friend were really proud of Celeste's charitable personality.

For her wedding, she mostly let her best friend, sister, and mom handle it. From the hair and makeup to the catering, she let the three take care of it because she felt sick every time she remembered who she has to marry.

"Come on! Put on your dress!" Asha yelled. "You can't fall behind and show up late to your own wedding!"

Celeste actually did decide a bit of her wedding dress because she wanted to at least have a little bit of herself to be present during the wedding, whether she liked it or not.

Her dress was simple yet elegant and eye-catching. Her mother had the belt of the dress encrusted with diamonds to add a bit glitz because she thought it looked dull without it. Celeste loved her dress.

The room full of makeup artists and hairstylists gasped when Celeste walked out with the dress on

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The room full of makeup artists and hairstylists gasped when Celeste walked out with the dress on. She looked stunning to the point where nobody in the room could take their eyes off of her for a whole 2-3 minutes.

"So, what do you guys think?" Celeste asked, as their expressions were starting to make her blush.

Asha let out a squeal, "EEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! IF I HAD KNOWN THIS DRESS WAS GONNA MAKE YOU LOOK THIS SEXY YET CLASSY AT THE SAME TIME, I WOULD'VE TAKEN A PICTURE OF YOU IN THE DRESS AND FRAMED IT IN MY ROOM." Celeste wouldn't let Asha see the dress until the day of the wedding because she wanted it to be a surprise to her.

Celeste couldn't stop blushing. She had to admit, even she couldn't recognize herself in the dress. She looked so put together.

Her mom and her sister, Beatrice started to sob, "My daughter's ... *sniff sniff* all grown up now *sniff sniff*. I'm sending her away so soon..."

"Mrs. Caro, she wouldn't have left this early if y'all didn't send her away..." Asha throws her usual shade.

"Asha! It wasn't my choice!" Celeste's mom says, pouting.

While Asha and Beatrice throw slight shade and bicker with Mrs. Caro. Celeste finishes getting ready.

Asha peeks through the door, "It's time, Celestina"

Celeste's heart was pounding out of her chest, she was starting to feel her body turn cold. She wasn't nervous because of her wedding, but she's finally going to marry the monster.


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