10. demons.

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Dante. Dante. Dante. I have to find Dante. I need to know what happened, was all Celeste could think.

She set up a tray full of snacks, repeatedly reminding herself not to poison them because of mere jealousy.

The closer she got to her bedroom door, the more clearly she could hear the moans and grunts of the people inside. It made her insides do twists and turns, she desperately didn't want to open the door to see the scene.

She knocked on the door, "I'm coming in, please stop whatever you're doing." Luca never listened to her but this once, she was hoping he'd just stop what he's doing so she can drop off the snacks and find Dante.

She heard silence, which she accepted as a invitation to go in. She prepared herself for the worst as she walked in. "I'm leaving it here." She said without looking at the bed. She was going to leave it at the coffee table in the sitting space.

"How do I know you didn't poison it?" Luca asked.

"Why does everyone think i'm out to kill them today... jeez..." Celeste whispered to herself. She took a bite of the biscuit herself, "There, I'm alive and not choking up blood or turning into Joffrey Baratheon during the Purple Wedding." *for all of you who don't watch Game of Thrones search up "purple wedding game of thrones" and it should be the first picture LOL!*

"What?" Luca asked confused.

"Oh my God, that episode is by far one of my favourites beside the Battle of the Bastards!" Betty chimed in.

"I know right!" Both Celeste and Jenny said at the same time. This was the first time Celeste clearly heard Jenny say something.

Celeste, stop yourself! You need to find Dante!

She heard shuffling from the bed as she was about to walk towards the door and suddenly a half naked Luca grabbed onto her wrist. "Look at me."

"I'd rather not... uh... maybe if you go put on some clothes..." Celeste said, not turning around.

"Look at me!" Luca said in a harsher tone.

Celeste took this chance to scan him with her eyes. He was well built, with a six pack. His v-line clearly defined by muscles. His body was covered in tattoos, she wondered what meaning each of them had. He had a sheet wrapped around his lower half so she didn't see anything past the v-line. He was drop-dead gorgeous, there's no denying that. Luca noticed the look on Celeste's face and as satisfied with her expression. She's dead ass swooning over me, he thought.

There was no avoiding the scene on the bed. She could clearly see behind him, the two girls completely naked, without shame. Celeste felt self-conscious. Betty and Jenny, both had nice curvy bodies that any girl would envy. They had plumpness on the right parts of their bodies like their chest and butt. Celeste couldn't help but admire those girls because they were truly beautiful. What brought them to work as such.... She thought. She noticed she was staring for too long and quickly looked down.

"Do you want to join us?" Luca smirked.

"W-what? Heck n-no!" Celeste was flustered.

He firmly grabbed onto her chin, "Good, because that's never going to be you."

"O-ow, Luca, that h-hurts." Celeste said even though she knew saying that never worked. She has said these words multiple times, yet they seem to never impact Luca. Ever.

He grabbed a handful of her hair and tilted her head back, "You need to stop showing me so much attitude. I don't need a bitch like you disrespecting me in front of people."

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