Chapter Seven

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Blaze's POV.

Walking to school the next day was tiring. I had a nightmare and most of the time I was thinking about Levi. I still haven't decided if this I what I want or if I even want to be friends with him.

I know his reputation but in all he doesn't seem all that bad.

Once I arrived in school people were pointing and laughing at me. I kept my head down and hitched my bag up higher. Walking down the hallways only increased the laughter.  I knew they were laughing at me even thought I convinced myself there was someone else behind me. When I finally reached my locker I saw pictures of me.

My head on a striper's body. Just my face on naked bodies of women. Words were written on them. Slut, whore, tramp etc. I just stood there staring at nothing thinking what the hell did I do to deserve this?

I keep my head down, I get good grades, I don't fight or bitch. But I had hunch on who did this. Lexie.

I ripped all the posters off the wall and shoved them into a bin. This day is just the best day ever, notice the sarcasm.

As I walk down the hallway to my first class I rip every posted of the wall. Hands grabbed my shoulders and turn me around and I'm faced with Levi's angry face. This isn't good at all.

"You okay?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm fine." I replied.

He looks at me like he is searching for anything then nods to himself. "I'm going to find out who done this okay."

"Its fine, it is all fine." I give him a tight small.

"No it's not you and I both know it's not okay." He says. Levi gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off down the hallway ripping of the posters of the wall.

I felt heat rush to my cheek from his kiss. Damn what is wrong with me?

I walked into my first class and sat all the way at the back. People tried tripping me up and some turned around to face me just to shot a spitball at me.


This is not how I imagined today to turn out at all. The laughing and bulling continued all throughout the day. It was lunch now and all I wanted to do was cry my eyes out. I just wanted to be left alone. I made my way outside to the field and walked to back and sat down against the tree.

I bought my legs up to my chest and just looked around the field looking at the dance squad do a routine and the footballers kick the football around.

All of them are fake, every single one of them.  When school finishes no one will stay in touch. Everyone will go their own ways.

Life isn't suppose to be this hard. I tucked my head into my knees and let silent tears roll down my face.

I suddenly heard a loud crowd cheering. I looked up and saw everyone over near the jocks pumping their fists in the air screaming and some had their phones.

"Trey fucking punch him man!" I saw Trey's best friend Dante scream.

I saw a flash of a tattooed covered arm and instantly knew it was Levi. No one else has tattoos like that.

I stood up and gathered my bag making my towards the crowd. I pushed several people out the way with either my shoulders and elbows. When I got to the front Levi was sitting on Trey punching the life out of him. Trey already looked unconscious but Levi wasn't stopping at all.

I knew what I had to do.

I took a deep breath in and walked so Levi could see my face. "Levi stop." I whispered but he didn't. He carried on punching Trey. "LEVI." I screamed.

Everything fell silent and Levi looked up at me. He had blood pouring out his eyebrow, he had a cut on his cheek and lip. "That's enough Levi." I whispered.

He blinked and looked down at Trey and it was like he couldn't believe he done that. "I-I don't know what happened." He whispered so only I could hear.

"I know but let's go okay?" I held my hand out to him and he hesitated but finally put his hand in mine. I nodded and helped him up.

I turned to Dante and saw him frowning, "Get him help Dante." I gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry Blaze."

she was bird that didn't realise she had wings

- unknown

Hope. [COMPLETED] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora