Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Blaze's POV.

It's been a few days since having lunch with Dante. Ever since then he has been hanging around with us. He has kind of ditched his football friends. I think Levi is starting to like him as well. Levi is helping Dante chose a tattoo and shit so they are bonding.

I was in the school bathrooms today and I was doing my business when I heard some girls enter and start talking.

"Did you see Levi kiss Blaze today, it was so romantic. " One girl said.

I think they were a like two years younger.

"Oh em gee, I know right." One squealed.

"Do you think they have had sex yet?" 

"Holy shit yes, he looked like he would destroy her in bed." 

They carried on talking about me and Levi in bed which isn't creepy at all. But it got me thinking did Levi want to do it with me or wait for someone more worthy of his love.

I know he was a virgin but the jealously in me didn't even want to think about him doing it with any other girl. To be honest I had no clue what i would do or how i would even bring this topic up. I had no girl friends to speak to about and just thinking about talking with Dante was just making me sick but i knew i had to do.

"Hey can we meet somewhere?" I said into the phone.

"Yeah sure where?" Dante replied.

"The park in about 5?"

"Yeah i'll be there right about." We both said bye and hung up.

I shoved on my shoes and a jacket and locked the door behind me before running to the park. I joke i don't run, i just walked fast.

Once i did reach the park i was out of breathe, i saw Dante on one of the park pinic tables sitting there on his phone. 

"Hey." I spoke up.

He looked up and smiled, "Hi, so why did you want to meet?"

I fiddled with my fingers for a while before blurting out, "I want to have sex with Levi and we are both virgins." Once i blurted that i covered my mouth with my hand and my eyes widen.

Dante started choking on air and looked like he was struggling to breathe. Once he recovered he had an evil smirk on his face. "Well well well, this is so good. Right both virgins? Fuck man, having a talk like this with a little sister is not good at all. So his birthday is in a few days right?" 

"Yeah why?" I questioned.

"Buy something lacey to wear, all boys love lace. Well Levi likes you in anything from the boners he always has." 

"Dante." I screeched. 

"What its true?" He chuckled. "Anyway, wear lace. Seduce him kind of. But i will talk to him like before hand so it isn't awkward when you both de-virginise."

"That's not a word." I crossed my arms.

"Well whatever. So plan?" He said.

"Seduce him? Oh no i can't do that." I shook my head.

"Look Blaze, i know that Levi loves you-"

I cut him off because i just, that ridiculous. We've been dating what around two weeks, and known each other around 3 or 4 months. Love?!

Do i love him? 

I love his smile, I love his kindness, his flaws, his tattoos, his hugs, his eyes, they way his comforts me, they way he has been there for me and my nan. 

The more I think about everything i love him. The more i realise i love him, every single thing about him.

 gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love 

- albert einstein

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