Chapter Eighteen.

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Blaze's POV.

I woke up to my phone vibrating. I looked around and saw I wasn't in my room. I tried to remember where I was then I realised I fell asleep on Levi's bed.

Oh how embarrassing.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw 14 missed calls from my nan and 3 from Dave. Oh shit.

I grabbed my shoes and ran into the living room. I saw Levi on the sofa asleep. He was quietly snoring. His long legs were dangling over he edge of the sofa.

He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him. But I had too.

"Levi." I shook his shoulders. "Levi wake up."

He said something incoherent and opened his eyes slowly.

"My nan she keeps calling. I need to go home." I said quietly.

"Mmmm okay." He nodded and sat up running his hands over his face. "Let's go."

I felt my phone vibrating again and I answered straight away.

"Hello nan."

"Dear hurry home please." She begged.

I instantly knew something was wrong.

"What why?"

"Just hurry, please." She hung up the phone.

"Something is wrong Levi." I turned to him.

"Okay I'll go fast okay?" I nodded. I followed him to the bike and got on it.

When he said he will go fast I didn't actually think he meant this fast. I had to hold on extra tight because I kept thinking I was going to fall off. He would start to swerve in and out of cars.

In no time we were at my house. There was an unfamiliar car outside but it looked expensive and big.

Me and Levi got of the bike and basically ran the door, I knocked on it a few times and my nan answered the door. It looked like she has been crying.

"Who's car is that? Are you okay?" I asked.

"just come inside, Levi come on dear." She pushed us both in.

We walked into the living room and Dave and a very tall man. I could only see the back of his head but I had a feeling who it was.

My sperm donor aka my 'dad'.

"What is he doing here?" I spat pointing to him.

"This." She shoved a piece of paper in my hands.

I skimmed through it every sentence I was growing angrier and angrier.

"He wants to be my legal guardian? No fucking way." I laughed. "No fucking way in hell."

"Language Blaze." He finally spoke.

"You said my nan was an unfit guardian?!" I screamed.

"Blaze she is getting old and frankly can't look after you anymore." He spoke so calmly tucking his hands in his dress pants pockets. "Like you was in the hospital a week ago and letting this hooligan hang out with you."

"Fuck you." My nan sneered.

I felt Levi slowly shake with anger.

"My granddaughter was in the hospital because she lost her fucking mother and that fucking hooligan takes care of her. You are a bastard Maddox. Don't come in MY home demanding to take your child home." My nan was crying at that point.

"I will win this Pearl." He nodded.

"You won't win fucking shit. I'm 18 I don't need a legal guardian even if I did I sure as hell wouldn't stay with you. I would make sure I fight every single step of the way to stay with my nan." I crossed my arms.

"And you." Maddox pointed at Levi. Not even worth the title of dad. "You stay away from my daughter, she doesn't need low lives like you hanging around her."

"You know what?" Levi finally spoke up. "Pearl and Blaze have treated me like a fucking human being. Like an equal. It doesn't matter what class I come from they welcomed me into their home. And frankly Maddox you are not welcome. You won't win this fight, so just fuck off back to your little family in your little rich town and stay the fuck away from us." He said it some what calmly but deadly.

Maddox nodded the slowly made his way over to the door, "I will be back." He said then walked out slamming the door behind him.

I just felt this rage of emotions come over and making me burst into tears. "He just can't do this!" I sobbed into my hands. "He can't come here and do this to me." I dropped to my knees and just carried on sobbing into my hands.

"I'm going to call my lawyer." I heard my nan speak up. "Look after her son."

I felt arms pick me up and set me on their lap. "It's okay, he won't win this." Levi whispered rubbing his hand up and down my back.

That's when I realised I'm falling for Levi.

some things go too deep to be forgotten

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some things go too deep to be forgotten

- john galsworthy

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