Chapter Twenty.

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Levi's POV.

I woke up with a groan and stretched my arms above my head but winced from the pain. I looked down and saw I was shirtless but I had a bandage wrapped around my waist.

Then it all came back to me, the fight last night then just as he was going down he pulled a knife and ran when the sirens went off. The rest is just a blur. I think Chase brought me home I'm not sure.

I swung my legs of the bed and looked down saw I was wearing jeans and there was one sock of and one sock lying on the floor near my shoes.

I tried pushing myself of the bed but it hurt too much. When I finally stood up I had to crouch over to keep the pain at bay. I walked over to the bathroom and got some painkillers and took them drinking from the tap.

I quickly brushed my teeth and splash cold water on my face. I took my sock of and threw it in the laundry bin. I took my jeans off and threw them in there too. I walked back into my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and put them on.

I walked into the living and did a double take, there she was.

Her long brown hair sprawled around her and she was curled tightly in a ball. She had no pillow but the blanket just covering her feet slightly.

Blaze was shivering slightly. I walked over and placed the blanket over her.

I know it was creepy staring at her but I couldn't help it. I rubbed my hand over my face, and walked into the kitchen. I started to boil the kettle so I could make some tea.

I took an apple and sat at the dining table.

Fuck why am I feeling like this. Never have I ever felt like this. I don't know this feeling before, so foreign.

Her Grandma reminded me of mine before she passed.

Blaze's dad, well as she calls him Maddox really pissed me off that day saying them things about Pearl and Blaze. Then calling me a hooligan was the icing on the cake. But something inside me was yelling to protect them and stand up for them.

I heard a little groan then little footsteps walk across the living room, the bathroom door shut and the sound of running water echoed through the house.

I made us both tea's. Mine black and hers milk with four sugars. When she first told me she likes it like that my face just screwed up in disgust.

I walked into the living room and placed the tea's on the coffee table and sat down.

Once I heard the toilet flush, the tap turn on and off the door finally opened. Blaze had her hair tied up in a bun and worn some tracksuit bottoms with a white top which had bits of blood on it.

"Where's the blood from?" I asked watching her sit down next to me.

"Bringing you home and fixing you up last night." She said sipping her tea.

"Oh thank you." I said.

"You need to be more careful Levi, because one day the police will get you or worse you'll be left bleeding on the street." She said sharply.

"I know, I know." I rubbed a hand down my face.

"No I don't think you know Levi." She turned to face me crossing her legs under her. "I was so fucking scared Levi. Having to drag your body and watching you lose so much damn blood. It hurt."

Pot calling the fucking kettle black.

"So I have to sit back and watch you fucking self harm yourself knowing I'm trying to help, but it is never good enough. You still do it!" I was getting angry now.

"You don't understand Levi!" She screamed.

"Then make me understand Blaze." I screamed back at her.

She gripped her hair in her hands and screamed angrily. I shook my head and picked her up placing her on my lap.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you." I whispered in her ear, rubbing my hand up and down her back. She had her head tucked into my neck and was sobbing. I felt her hot tears run down my neck.

"I'm s-sorry." She whispered.

"I know, me too Blaze."

She turned so she her legs were straddling my lap, she was looking at my bare chest and the tattoos covering my whole chest and arms.

"You can ask about them." I say. "I'll tell you the meanings."

"What? They have meanings?" She gasped.

"Well some off them, some I drew and liked them."

"You drew them yourself?" She ran her finger down the inside of my arm.

She gently takes my arm and places it in front of her. She starts to study them.

I feel my breath peak but I act casual.

"How about...this one." She begins to point but I lean forward quickly taking her head into my hands.

It's the first time we've kissed and there is passion and want between us. It feels natural like we've done this a thousand times before.

Blaze's POV.

The kiss is hard, considering how careful Levi is around me sometimes. His lips begin to to move to my jaw and up back to my lips.

"Blaze." He whispers against my lips.

"Mmm." I lean my forehead against his slightly out of breath.

"I shouldn't of done that." He said placing me next to him.

I felt embarrassed and just so shocked. I nodded, I grabbed my shoes and quickly shoved them on. I grabbed my jacket and chucked it. I didn't say anything but just run out the apartment all the way home.

create yourself

- unknown.

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