Author's Note

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Author's Note:


As you all know (I think), I run track! And track is starting up soon which will keep me kind of busy. 

Also, starting in April will be club volleyball which will also keep me kind of busy. 

Also, starting last September was school/homework/AP classes, which also keeps me kind of busy.

Combine all three of those and I am very busy, hahaha!

So I don't think I'll be able to update every day because, sadly, Wattpad is not one of my top priorities, but I have a Plan A, a backup plan, and a backup backup plan. 

Plan A) I will write a little bit (1000-1500 words) every night and update ASAP. This will probably be 3-4, maybe 5 updates a week. 

Backup Plan) I will shorten my chapters to maybe 1000-1500 words per chapter instead of the usually 2k-3k and try to update every day or as much as possible. I wouldn't leave out detail, I'd just write like a "Chapter 60 (part A)" and a "Chapter 60 (part B)". This is a backup plan because I'd rather have my chapters as one 'set' but tell me what you guys think.

Backup Backup Plan) If I get too busy, I will set two days a week where I HAVE to update (ex: Monday and Friday, or Tuesday and Thursday). 

So that's just a fair warning! Please be patient with me because I think I've done a really good job consistently updating! I will try my absolute best because I love you guys, I love writing, and I love my story. 

If you have any other options PM me or comment! Much appreciated!

Thank you :) See you all soon :)

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