Chapter four: Hometime

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As soon as Art was over I ran to my brothers English class and patiently waited outside, usually my brother is the first one out of class so it's fine for me to wait outside.

"Hey sis" I heard my brother call out. I ran to hug him. He seemed surprised but then hugged me back, I felt safe, considering earlier... Yeah.

"Ray come on let's go home" I said dragging him to his locker.

"Aye what wrong?" He said sound lightly concerned.

"Nothing I just, I feel sick, I've got ahead ache" I rambled. He looked at me and frowned then shook his head; he put his books in his locker.

"Ok jess let's go" he said putting his arm around me and walking me to his car.

"Hey, wait" we heard a voice shout. We turned around to see a girl running towards us.

"Isis what's wrong?" I asked.

"My party invite here, remember its tomorrow ball gowns and all that Rayan I want to see you in a suit, ok? Good see y'all." She gave us our invite with our names on it written in her curvaceous hand-writing. I completely forgot about that I hope she invited Chres.

My brother went around and opened the car door for me; I smiled at him making my way into the car. I saw him lean on the car door and grab Angel's waist, I may have forgot to add that my brother is dating my best friend. I opened the car window and said "if your not done making me sick, can we go!"

"Ok ok calm down" he chuckled as he kissed angel on her check and got in the car, he started the engine and drove off. We didn't speak the whole way home not because I was angry or anything I just didn't feel like speaking, my brother seemed to be in his own world anyway. We arrived home, we usually have the house to ourselves until midnight because my mum works at the hospital and my father works as a director which is a pretty good job but they're both never home.

I walked upstairs and put my head phones in listing to j-cole and Miguel power trip, that's my jam!! I went on my laptop to look at pictures of B2K and fan girl over lil fizz, I realise I'm really late to be liking B2K but who cares? I saw my brother come in my room with some vanilla coke and a cinnamon pop tart, this mean be wants something, what that is I don't know.

"Yes?" I ask, sitting up from my rested position.

"You tell me what's wrong and I give you this"

I frowned at his response and eyed him carefully. I know my brother and he isn't as smart as he thinks he is. "Ray when have you done something nice for me?" He took sometime to think and paused. "Well I'm waiting for an answer" I said impatiently

"I have done nice things for you sis. I just can't remember but that doesn't matter. I made this for you so eat up"

I lifted my eyebrows at him and looked at him suspiciously. My brother was hiding something. "Don't look at me like that. If you don't want your food I'll eat it". He snatched my pop tarts away but I quickly smacked him and got them back. "I will hurt you! Now what do you want" I said with an annoyed tone.

"owww man! The boys are going to come around just to chill and maybe angel. That's it. That really hurt!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is roc coming?!" I exclaimed.

"Errrr yes why do you care?" My brother questioned.

"I don't it's just that these pop tarts make my voice weird". My brother looked at me weirdly and shook his head. "Yeah right Jessica. Whatever just yeah, do what you want. I'm my bedroom if you need me"

I nodded and wondered why I was getting excited over Chresanto. It's not that I like him or anything. Sure he had that calm husky voice that always seemed to make me calm and his skin literally glowed everywhere he went but I don't like him. I couldn't that would be wrong wouldn't it? I was trapped in my thoughts for what seemed like hours about Chresnato and why I always act someway towards him and unfortunately Jacob happened to cross my thoughts. I don't even like him yet something about him just seems so mysterious. He's like a magnet always attracting people and making connections. The boy just doesn't leave me alone. He is what we call bad temptation and ain't nobody got time for that. I was quickly awakened from my thoughts as the door bell rang.

"Jessica they're here. Don't act like a fool and please look nice!" Rayan shouted from below.

I was offended by my brother's remark. About look nice. I always do. He's so stupid sometimes I swear. I finished the remainder of my pop tarts and drank my vanilla coke and took a glance at myself in the mirror. I frowned at the unpleasant sate of myself and took the quickest shower while my brother lets the boys inside. I wasn't going to dress up or anything but I wanted to look nice so I changed into Elmo jumper and black leggings that were a little tight with my red fuzzy socks. I put my hair in a cute bun and put on my favourite lip-gloss.

"So ray you are trying to tell me you have the house to yourself?" Craig asked.

"Well my loser sister is here but in a way yes. Parents don't come back till late so yeah".

"That's cool man! I'm stuck with my little sisters".

Ray chuckled and grinned. "Hahaha! My sister stays in her room and does whatever so I'm cool."

"Your sister is here?" Chres asked

"Yeah" Rayan replied. "She got excited when I mentioned you were coming for a strange reason. She's weird anyway" Ray shrugged.

"She did?" There was a hint of happiness in his voice.

I listened carefully to their conversation. I just wanted to make sure my name wasn't used in any bad way. I heard Chresanto's voice and mood calmed.

"Errr bro. It's my sister....nothing special about that. She's just my sister. Ain't nothing interesting about that. " Ray stated.

I screwed my eyes up and marched my way into the room without thinking at all. I was infuriated by how ray was describing me to Chres. He makes me sound like a boring idiot who does absolutely nothing with her life. Oh I'll show him his sister. "Excuse me?" I voiced with attitude. "Just your sister you ass? Don't let me start with your crusty ass!" I growled and leaned so I was eye level to him. "This sister of yours watches your dumbass act like some 'cool guy' when really he's a douche who drools all over his girlfriend like some puppy you nasty piece of crap and does nothing with his life. So don't go on about how I'm 'just your sister' like I'm some boring shit!"

I had no idea what came over me but my brother's presence seemed to tick me off and set me off like a clock. He was so stupid what the hell did Angel see in him! There was a dead silence in the room and all eyes were on me. I shot ray a death look and rolled my eyes at him. His mouth was wide open. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost or some sort, he was so gobsmacked and stunned by my retaliation, all he could do was sit.

"Ermm Jess were you listening?" Craig asked quietly

"Yeah, and what!"

The room again became dead silence however Chres laid eyes on me in astonishment and wonder. What was that boy thinking? He probably thinks I'm a bitch of a sister and I have an attitude problem. There goes my friend. I hate my brother.

"Jess I...I....I... Didn't mean to offend you. I....I...I..." Rayan stuttered

"No ray! You didn't think. Always treating me something other then your sister. You always leave me and act different around your boys. Save it! I don't wanna hear." I stormed off to the kitchen and had a little breakdown. I had no idea what came over me at all, I was just filled with this fiery hatred that my brother had unleashed. I'm not one to explode like that. It's just that my brother just seems to put on a act around people and forgets that I'm his sister. I don't say anything about it but inside it does hurt a lot.

I shed a little tear and took deep breathes to calm myself down. But as I kept thinking over what happened it made me just want to cry. I took deep breaths while tears burned down my face.

"............I....I.......She" ray paused. "She hates me..."

"I don't know ray". Craig responded.

"I'll talk to her bro. I know how to deal with situations like this don't worry. Chres gave ray a reassuring smile and went off to the kitchen.

"Listen bro chres will sort it just watch the game ok."

I had that guilty feeling in my belly. I just blew up out of nowhere. See usually I wouldn't mind if it was anyone else but I don't know. Maybe it had to do with Chres....

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