The baby

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A/N: TIME SKIP to Mae's due date, around the holiday time. Like I said in the previous part, I am not pregnant, have not been pregnant, and don't plan on getting pregnant any time soon. Internet is helpful.

*Mae's POV*

I'd have to say the pain of the contractions rivaled the morning sickness a few months ago. Jethro was surprised at how calm I was.

Fornell surprised both of us and stopped by the maternity clinic we were at. He gave me a quick hug and sat down next to the bed I was relaxing on. "How do you feel, Mae?"

"Eh. I've felt better. Kinda hurts," I replied with a chuckle.

"Tobias, if you bring up our ex while my wife is giving birth to our child, I will shoot you," Jethro shot at the FBI agent. I laughed.

Soon enough, the two agents were standing outside the room conversing quietly. I couldn't make out what they were saying, for which I was thankful.

Ziva was there, too, and stayed with me while the two men talked.

*Gibbs' POV*

I hated seeing my wife in pain. She was leaning over the bed, swaying her hips through the contractions. I had to do something.

"Mae, is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, sitting down in a free spot of the bed.

"Rub my back," she answered, straightening up the best she could through the pain, and placing one hand on her stomach, the other on her hip.

Getting up, I stood in front of her as she placed her forehead on my chest, gripping onto my shoulders. I loved when she did that. Thinking, I massaged her lower back.

*Mae's POV*

Jethro giving me a back rub honestly helped so much with how I felt. As we swayed together to the slow, meditative music playing, the nurse came in to check me.

"I think you're ready to push, whenever you feel like it," she told me. I smiled and nodded, promising to let her know when I was ready.

*time skip*

Pressed against my husband'a chest in the birthing pool, I held our little bundle in my arms, sweating and breathing hard. Nevaeh Mira Gibbs, our little princess.

"Mae, she's gorgeous," Jethro said softly as the midwife took her from my embrace to check her. I leaned my head back into his shoulder, smiling. "You did great."

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