Something a little different

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Last night, Quidditch_Kid requested on 'Surprise' that I write a GibbsxReader (or Mae, it was up to me) imagine where the person gets so scared for Gibbs' life that they attempt suicide, and he steps in to stop it. So this is my attempt at a GibbsxReader imagine.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was always scared for his life, but this time was different. It was worse.

When I got the call to say that he was going on a potentially very dangerous one day mission, as per the Director's orders, it pushed me further than it should have normally.

Vance had sent me home when he saw me pacing near the bullpen when Gibbs was getting ready to leave the office for the mission. It was even worse at home.

I couldn't sit still once I got back to my apartment.  I tried sitting, got too antsy and started pacing again, this time, tears steaming down my cheeks. It would drive the team insane if they saw me in the state I was in.

They all knew about the anxiety and depression. It was normally under control, but today, it spiked to a maybe hazardous point. The demons in my mind started pushing me to go get a knife from the kitchen.

*Gibbs' POV*

I had to get to her apartment. I knew something was wrong when Vance sent her home. He should have made her stay at the office. I should have made her stay at the office. She would have been better staying with Abby while I was out.

"Y/N! Open the door!" Pounding on the door, I hoped she would be fine, that she wouldn't give in to her demons.

When I didn't get an answer, I had the building manager open the door, and then had him leave. On instinct, I drew my Sig, and cleared the apartment one room at a time, as quickly as I dared.

I knew something was even worse than I thought when I caught sight of the bloody knife near the sink.

*reader's POV*

I felt someone in the room with me when I heard quiet footsteps on the hardwood floor of the kitchen. Coming around the island, I saw his legs.

"Gibbs, I thought you were working," I said weakly.

"I left the team to deal with it. Wasn't as bad as we all thought. What happened?"

"I was scared, Gibbs. Really scared. I hate that you have to keep doing that stuff," I told him, the tears starting again.

"Let me see, let me see your wrists, Y/N," he said softly, taking my hands. "Not that bad. Can I bandage them up for you?"

I nodded, and stood as he helped me stand and walk to the table. Putting paper towel down so blood wouldn't get on the table cloth, and grabbed the first aid kit he knew I had above the fridge, and some stuff to clean the cuts.

~20 minutes later~

We were curled up on the couch, watching TV, something normal for us. We were really good friends, with something a little more.

"Y/N, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure," I said tiredly, snuggling into his shoulder. It was silent until I looked up at him. He had a slight rosy color to his cheeks, and that's when I put it together. "You like me!"

"Yeah, I do. And I have a question."

We looked in each other's eyes, and I nodded. I knew what he would ask.

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