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Imagine almost collapsing at a crime scene and finding out you're iron deficient.

Taking notes at a crime scene after I was finally cleared for field work again, I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was dizzy, lightheaded and a little sick to my stomach. It had been happening for a couple days before this, but it had never been this bad.

"Mae?" Tony asked.

"I'm fine, Tony," I told him, smiling, before getting back to my observations.

Later on, Jethro pulled me over. "Mae, you're so pale. Are you ok?"

"Is this about what DiNozzo may or may not have told you about what happened at the crime scene?"

"He told me you almost passed out. You've been more quiet than you usually are the past few days, too. Are you ok?"

I signed and reached out to grab his shoulder as another bad dizzy spell rolled in.

"Alright. We're going to Ducky so he can draw some blood to test for something. I have an idea of what this might be," my husband told me, pulling me close and walking us slowly to the elevator.

Once he had me in autopsy, sitting on one of the tables, he talked to Ducky.

"Jethro, I need to lay down, it's worse," I called out, putting my head in my hands.

Grabbing a paper towel roll, he and Ducky rushed over and helped me down onto my side so I could curl up.

"Alright, my dear, I need an arm," the medical examiner said.

"What are you gonna test for?" I asked softly, revealing the bend of an arm for him.

"Iron deficiency. You have all the classic signs."

Sighing, I told him, "I can save you some trouble. I've had iron deficiency anemia on and off since middle school."

"I'd still like to test to see how severe it is, Mae."

After drawing a small vial of blood, he went and brought it to Abby. A few minutes after returning to autopsy, she got us on the phone.

"What do you got, Abs?"

"You were right, guys, its iron deficiency. Pretty bad, too. I also found some other nutritional deficiencies. I can make a list and run it down to autopsy for you, Gibbs."

"Yeah, Abs. Please."

A couple minutes later, Abby came down with a list of vitamins and minerals I was deficient in, and promised to help if I needed anything.

"I'll have McGee run out to grab stuff for you," my husband told me as he helped me up slowly.

"Jethro, we can run to a CVS on the way home. I can wait," I sighed.

"No, Mae, he's going out now."

An hour later, McGee came back with all the stuff Abby recommended I take, and orange juice for the iron supplements.

NCIS imagines Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ