Everyone meeting the baby part 2

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A/N: Mae kept her last name when she married Gibbs so they wouldn't have to deal with the whole process of changing name.

The pathologist and his assistant should be done with the current body at that point.

Thankfully they were. "Duckman, come meet the baby," I called once I stepped into the room. He was sitting at his desk working on the report.

"Oh! I am so glad to finally meet your little gem," he said, getting up and walking to me. "She's a beautiful little one. May I hold her?"

I nodded and handed her off to Ducky. "Ducky, I have a question."

"Is everything all right, my dear?" He asked as he rocked the little girl in his arms. He was great.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering if you would like to be her godfather."

He gave it a second of thought, and then smiled. "Yes, of course. I would love to be Nevaeh's godfather."

Palmer came in a couple minutes later, and gushed over my little one. I spent a few more minutes with them, and then announced, "I have to go talk to the director. He has a schedule planned out for me, and he wanted to meet this one. Hopefully I'll get upstairs before she falls asleep."

"She had her morning meal? I hope you're breast feeding her," the doctor said. "Better for mother and baby."

"Yes, I am. I read a lot when before she was born, and on maternity leave."

"Well, I will let the two of you go off to meet with the director. Come visit whenever you get the chance, my dear."

"Of course, Ducky. I always love coming down here," I replied, getting a kiss on the cheek.

"See you later, Nevaeh, Mae," they both said as I scanned my retina to get into the elevator. I went all the way to the top floor, rocking and speaking softly to my little one.

Vance's assistant let me know he was here, and I was able to walk into the office seconds later.

"So, I've heard you're knitting things for Nevaeh," the director said as I sat down across from him.

"Yes, sir. She loves watching her momma knit," I replied, smiling at the baby. She smiled back, reaching up to me. I let her hold onto two of my fingers and shake my hand around as she laughed.

"She's beautiful. You and Gibbs did good."

"Jethro didn't contribute much, I did all the hard work." It made me laugh.

Leon laughed as he picked up a piece of paper to hand to me. "Well, here's what I came up with for you. Gibbs helped. Let me know if you have any issues with what's there."

Looking over the new schedule, I nodded. "Looks good. You'll let me back on for field work when I get the ok from the doctor?"

"Of course. Get to work, Agent Freemont."

"Thank you, sir," I said, standing and shaking his hand. Getting back to the bullpen, I stuck the child in her baby seat, and pinned the schedule up to my bulletin board, getting to work on what I could.

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