Everyone meeting the baby part 1

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A/N: I'm setting this one after Director Shepard dies, and Vance steps in as director. Also having it where Mae is done with maternity leave and can go back to work. This is also gonna be mad long, So I decided to cut it in half.

I glared at my husband, with our little Nevaeh cradled in my arms asleep. We were trying not to argue, and the first thing I thought could help was holding our sleeping daughter.

"I've taken enough time off, Jethro. I feel fine. The doctor gave me the all clear to return to desk work," I told him in a hushed voice.

"Have you talked to Vance yet?"

"I called earlier, he said he has a schedule for me. Easy work. Director Vance even said I can bring Nevaeh in so we don't have to pay for a sitter, and she'll be with me."

~20 minutes later~

Jethro and I were standing in the elevator as it went up, and Nevaeh was fussing.

"Ugh, hold this, I gotta change how I'm holding the little peanut," I groaned, handing the diaper bag over to the man standing next to me. The elevator opened, and we both stepped out, but I stayed behind.

"You coming?"

"I'll catch up. I want to calm Nevaeh down. Can you leave everything at my desk?" I questioned.

"Of course. Let me know if you need anything," Jethro said, walking off with the baby seat, diaper bag over one shoulder, and his signature coffee. I chuckled at the sight.

"Boss, Mae's cleared for working again?" Ziva asked. She had already met the baby, after I had her. Everyone else on the team hasn't met her yet.

"Wait for her to come over. Nevaeh started crying in the lobby, Mae's calming her down."

A couple minutes later, the infant was calmed down. Cooing, I rested her head on my shoulder and supported her as I walked to the bullpen.

The team got up, and Ziva was the first to me. "Hello, princess, how are you today?" She questioned in a silly voice, playing with Nevaeh's tiny hands. I had moved her in my arms so she was facing them.

"Mae, she's beautiful," Tony said, offering a finger for her to grab onto once Ziva moved. She clutched it, giggling, a toothless, gummy smile spreading on her cute little face. It made me smile, and from his desk, my husband smiled, too.

Nevaeh brought something to his life I think he missed out on the first time. He was deployed when Kelly was born, and never got to see her really grow up. It saddened me whenever I saw Jethro wrapped up in his thoughts, most likely off in his own world, remembering his first wife and daughter.

I was his 5th wife, and from our relationship so far, I knew it was meant to last. Of course, he broke one of his rules, never date a coworker. Neither of us cared at that point, though.

McGee caught me off guard with the next question asked. "Do you mind if I hold her for a minute?"

I looked at him, and then down at the little squirmy bundle of joy in my arms, and laughed. "She's a tad squirmy, especially if it's someone she hasn't met, but sure."

I handed the baby off to my coworker, careful to position her head so she was comfortable. Tim was holding her gently, so he wouldn't hurt her. Taking her back shortly after, I held her close and grabbed the phone on my desk, calling down to Abby's lab.

"Hey, lady. I'm back, I have a little guest I want you to meet," I told her once she picked up.

"Ooh, is it Nevaeh? I can't wait to meet her!" The forensics scientist gushed.

"Yup, it's Nevaeh. I'll be down in a minute. I'm sure she'll enjoy the lab," I chucked, hanging up. I grabbed the diaper bag off the desk, and walked to the elevator.

"I'll be back later. Probably gonna bring her down to meet Ducky and Palmer after spending some time with Abs, and then I'll go talk to Vance," I informed the lead agent. He planted a kiss on my forehead, and then leaned down and did the same for our daughter. She babbled at him, which got a smile.

"Take your time."

Walking into the elevator, I hoped my little goofball would be fine this time. I didn't want her a bawling her eyes out and throwing a fit when Abby met her. Thankfully, she stayed quiet, babbling at me the entire time.

"Abs, we're here!" I called, walking into the lab. The music was quiet, and she had balloons set up around a table. I was confused when I saw her back was to me as she stood in front of it.

"Just one second..."

I heard the elevator bell ding and the door slide open, and the field team walked in. Ducky and Palmer said they wanted to wait until after Abby had her fun, and they also had an autopsy to work on.

"Surprise! Welcome to the world, Nevaeh!" The scientist turned around and stepped away from the table, revealing gifts and a cake. Impromptu baby shower.

"Since none of us had gotten the baby anything except for you and Gibbs, and since you didn't have a baby shower, we all got some toys and stuff for you guys."

I was taken aback. I knew I worked with some great people, but this made my heart swell with joy and pride. I really had the best coworkers.

Pulling up her comfy chair from the other room, I sat down with Nevaeh in my lap and started opening gifts. After a few minutes of trying to unwrap things one handed, I sighed and said, Abs, take the baby. She'll love you."

My good friend took the little one from me, and started babbling right along with her, letting her little hands grab at her necklace.

I was thrilled at what everyone had gotten for us, and packed everything into the bags. Everyone had disbursed to do whatever they needed to do for the current case, and I was left with the baby and Abby.

"She's a cutie."

"Isn't she? I never thought that Jethro and I would have such a beautiful little thing."

After a couple more minutes, she reluctantly handed the girl back to me. As if on cue, she started crying. She was hungry.

"Oh, little one is hungry," I cooed, "do you mind if I breast feed her? I can go into the other room."

"You don't have to! Get comfortable here, and feed away," Abby said. She was great.

Sitting back down, I pulled out a towel cover her while she ate. When Abs noticed what I was doing, she walked to the door and closed it after writing 'privacy needed, breastfeeding mom inside' on a piece of paper and stuck it with tape.

"Do you use a towel at home?"

"Usually no, sometimes I will. Just thought since I'm here I'd use it."

She also closed the blinds over the windows. I laughed as Nevaeh latched on and started sucking.

When she was done, I cleaned up and pulled her up to burp her. That took no time, practically.

"Alright, I'm heading off to autopsy, and then to see the director. I'll catch up with you later? We can grab dinner."

"Sounds good. Let me know when you're good for dinner."

Waving, I left the lab and went down to autopsy.

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