Madame Secretary/NCIS request

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A/N- months in the making. Working on other requests. This one is for DaughterofRiverSong

"Special Agent Gibbs?" I asked, walking up to the agent's desk. I had recently been assigned to the former Marine turned NCIS lead agent's team. Gibbs had requested me bright an early on a Monday morning.

"Yes?" He didn't look up. Good first impression.

"I'm Sergent Courtney McCord. I was told to report to you this morning."

Finally, he looked up. This was going to be an interesting job.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sergent McCord. There's your desk, get settled. Everyone else is coming in soon," the silver haired man said. We shook hands, and then I dropped my pack at the desk next to his.

There was paperwork for me to sign, to make the job at NCIS official. I'd need to get my badge and ID, and the service issued gun.

"DiNozzo, McGee, this is Sergent Courtney McCord. Make her feel at home. I'm gonna go see Abby," Agent Gibbs said, grabbing his coffee and walking to the elevator.

I pointed after him, saying, "He's a tough one to figure out."

"Yes, he is. Tim McGee," the agent said, extending a hand. I took it.

"Tony DiNozzo," the other said. We shook hands, too.

"So, what can I do? I have all the paperwork signed. Who do I bring it to?"

"Uh, human resources. I'll take you over there. And give you a tour if you want," McGee told me.

"Ok. Show the way, McGee."

~time skip, Gibbs and Ducky talking, Gibbs' POV~

"Sergent McCord fits in well, it seems," Ducky mentioned.

"She does. She's smart. Goes to the War College. Engineering. Also has a degree in elementary education."

"That will help with the younger ones we have to talk to sometimes."

I nodded, taking a sip of coffee.

"She's a twin, Duck. Her sister dropped out of college. Complete opposites. She's successful, her sister ends up working at a restaurant as a hostess."

~Courtney's POV~

"Hey, thanks for lunch," I said, handing DiNozzo $15 for my share. We had ordered burgers. The two agents had shown me around the building, introduced me to everyone. I liked it here.

Except, the skylight. And those orange walls. Those would take some getting used to. I wondered who decided to paint the walls orange.

"Gear up!"

"Where to this time, boss?" McGee asked.

"Quantico. I'll explain on the way. Truck gassed, Tony?"


"Sergent McCord, you'll be observing. Let any of us know if you have any questions."

"Yes, sir."

"McCord, don't sir me," he told me, walking off.

"Yeah, he doesn't like that," DiNozzo explained.

I nodded, following everyone to the garage to go to my first scene with NCIS.

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