Baby bump take two, part 2

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A/N- due date for the second child

"I forgot how much this hurt!" I groaned.

Pacing the living room, I had my hands on my hips and was rubbing my lower back. My husband was sitting on the couch waiting for me to sit down after the contraction ended. They were far enough apart at this point that I could sit and relax between them.

~flashback to around when Mae and Gibbs found out they were having a second kid~

"Can we do a home birth this time?" I questioned.

Jethro looked at me like I was insane. "Why?"

"Because my pregnancy is low risk, I know what it's like, and because you love me," I told him, leaning into him and looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

Looking at me, he sighed. "I'm wondering..."

"Jethro, you helped that Marine deliver her baby in the back of a broken down sedan in the middle of a snow storm, in the middle of nowhere, a few years ago. I have a midwife. She's great." I leaned away and gave him an annoyed look.

"Yeah, I remember the midwife from when you were pregnant with Nevaeh," he said.

"So? Home birth? Tub? Birthing ball?"

Jethro was quiet for a moment before replying, "sure, if you want."

"Good, because I already bought everything," I laughed.

~present time~


"Nevaeh, sweetie, I'm ok. It hurts just a little," I told her as my husband helped me sit down on the birthing ball.

Abby was over to watch her if we needed it, along with Breena. She and I grew close during my pregnancy, as we both raised young children- her baby and my growing toddler.

"Mae, back rub?" Jethro asked.

"Please," I answered, placing my hands on the coffee table to lean over. His hands started working at the tightness in my lower back, and I sighed. It felt good.

~two hours later~

The contractions were closer together, and it hurt more. Abby had Nevaeh out at the park near where we live. Breena was making sure everything was set up right, and I was holding onto Jethro through the contractions.

"Mae, whenever you want to get in the tub," the midwife, Zaylee, told me.

"I forgot how quickly your labor went, babe," my husband commented, helping me up and out of the giant tshirt I was wearing before helping me into the birthing tub. It was inflated in the living room, filled with warm water.

"It's somewhat of a curse the women in my family have. My mom had short labors with my brother and I, my aunt, the same thing with her three," I replied. "Ooh, that's warm."

"Good for mom and baby. Should help a little with that lower back ache," Zaylee said.

About half an hour later, I was pushing. Soon enough, there was a newborn in my arms. She was a beautiful little thing.

"Happy birthday, Talia Rory," I said to the little one, gently sweeping my hand over her head. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, reaching for my hand.

"Another beautiful baby, Mae. Seriously. Our children are gorgeous," Jethro whispered in my ear as he cut the cord.

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