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So. I've noticed some similarities between NCIS and CSI NY. (I love me some crime shows.) I know CSI NY stopped filming sometime in 2012, but I would legit love to see a crossover. Might just have to write it.

But. Similarities.

Gibbs and Mac- both Marines, both served in Desert Storm, first wife was killed (Mac never had a kid, and he had retired from the Corps when his wife died on 9/11), both workaholics, lead a team (Gibbs has a team, Mac runs the NY crime lab), both end up in the hospital for some big reason (Gibbs for the coma before he ended up leaving NCIS for Mexico for a while, Mac because he was shot and ended up in a near death situation, ending up with bad aphasia), they both retired at some point but came back because they couldn't leave the team, both hate being called sir

Abby and Adam- quirky scientists, both goof off a lot, very talkative

Ducky and Sid- the medical examiners. They both go off on tangents unrelated to what the case is about, lots of stories, kinda quirky, Sid doesn't go to crime scenes that often, only when they really need him, both end up hospitalized at least once

Gibbs and Mac have both had a team member die (I've only seen up to some point in season 10 for NCIS, so Kate was the major teammate death for Gibbs, and Aiden died in CSI NY, and both of them died as a result of one suspect each, having to do with a case they were caught up with)

There ya go. Some of the similarities I've noticed. I'll write some crossover stuff in this story, and my CSI NY one.

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