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A/N- some of you may have noticed it in the Mae meeting Diane imagine, but Mae was calling Gibbs 'J', as an easy way to get his attention instead of using the full name. I'll go with that.

"J, can we get some pickles? And maybe some ice cream. That caramel ice cream we got last week was pretty good."

The Marine turned NCIS special agent looked at me like I was nuts as I pushed the last couple grains of rice on my plate around mindlessly, not returning his gaze.

"Mae, are you...?"


"You asked me for caramel ice cream and dill pickles when you were pregnant with Talia. You're not pregnant, are you?" The silver haired man questioned.

My head shot up. "Jethro, when was the last time we had sex? We have two young children and very demanding jobs. And if I remember correctly, we used a condom last time," I sassed, getting up with out dinner plates. He was holding Talia, trying to get her to eat. "You're holding her wrong, by the way. She likes being leaned up a little more, remember?"

He chuckled at my getting sassy, and I couldn't help but smile. Nevaeh was sitting next to her dad and sister, watching the two of them. She was so protective of her baby sister, and it made me happy seeing how gentle she was with the little one.

"That caramel ice cream is delicious. You know how much I like it. And the pickles go well with those sandwiches I bring with me to the office all the time, and Nevaeh likes them, too. I'm not eating them together again. Unless..."

"No. No more kids right now. We've already got our hands full with these 2. I would also be drowning in estrogen more than I already am with 3 ladies in the house," Jethro shot back. I heard the smile in his voice.

I outright laughed at that point, putting the plate I was holding down so I wouldn't drop it.

"I'll swing by the store after work tomorrow, or during that lunch break you keep trying to get me to take."

Stifling the laughing, I sighed and replied, "You're always working. Always makes me wonder when you ingest anything other than coffee unless I practically shove food down your throat."

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