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For SecretLover182- reader gets herself into serious danger trying to save the team, Gibbs saves her, reprimands her and ends up spilling his feelings for her. (I write better in first person, in case I haven't mentioned it before)


I heard Gibbs yell after me, trying to find where the killer was dragging me. He should have known, with his military training and everything, but it was dark, and his flashlight was dropped in the scuffle that resulted in me being taken, and the rest of the team off nursing injuries.

I was flying to help the team by going around behind the suspect in an attempt to incapacitate him, but I was wrong about how it would work out.

I wanted so badly to yell back, to fight with my captor, but I was bound uncomfortably, my wrists and ankles with rope and my bruised and bloodied lips with duct tape.

Waking up later on, I realized where I was. Hospital room. I was hooked up to monitors and an IV drip. Groaning, I scrunched my eyes closed, realizing too late that one of my eyes ended up black and blue. It hurt.

"Y/N, you're awake," I heard softly. Peaking over next to my bed, Gibbs was sitting there. The team was outside waiting to hear about how I was. "Go back to the office, guys."

When they all left, the supervisory special agent turned back to me. There was a frown on his handsome face. He was so good looking, and it was so unfair sometimes. Working alone with him was always a battle for my mind, trying to keep myself focused.

"What the hell were you thinking, doing what you did?"

"Gibbs, I was trying to-"

"Trying to help? Look at where that got you! All beat up in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV and all these machines. I was so worried about you after that bastard took you."

"But you found me," I said. Then it hit me. Looking at him, it was becoming more obvious. "Gibbs, is there something going on with you? I think it was more than just worry."

He sighed, leaned back, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Y/N, I haven't felt like this about someone in a long time. Really long time. I like you." I laid there, in my uncomfortable hospital bed, a stupid grin spreading across my face. "What?"

"I had a feeling those words would be coming out of those handsome lips sometime."

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