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It was our 3 year anniversary. I specifically remember, on one case, Jethro saying he didn't get anniversaries.

'I don't get anniversaries, period.'

"So," Abby said, "I talked to Tony, and he was able to get a reservation for 2 at that restaurant we know you and Gibbs like at 8 tonight."

"Abs, you know how Jethro is. He works ridiculous hours. It's gotten better since I had Nevaeh, but he still pulls late nights sometimes," I reminded her.

"You guys just wrapped the case. I remember him telling me he was heading out early today. And, we're springing for dinner." She handed me an envelope.

We were standing in the lab, I had Talia in my arms, and Nevaeh was sitting in the spinny chair.

Opening the envalope, I noticed two 100 dollar bills.

"We all chipped in. I can watch the girls tonight, and you two can go to dinner and enjoy some time together."

I was stunned. Happy tears threatened to leak from my eyes. I was reminded, again, that I worked with kind, caring people.

"Thank you, Abby. It means a lot to me. Jethro and I usually rush to eat because we have these two monkeys, and the job. It'll be nice to sit down and enjoy a meal for once," I told her, hugging her with one arm.

"Alright, well go tell Gibbs!" She said excitedly.

"Go tell Gibbs what?" He asked, walking into the lab with a big bouquet of flowers.

"We have a reservation tonight. At that Italian restaurant we love. 8pm. Those are beautiful," I laughed, handing Talia over to Abby.

"They're for you, my love. Happy anniversary," he murmured, kissing my forehead and handing me the flowers.

"Thank you, sweetie," I told him, melting into a hug.

"Let's go home and get ready for dinner. It's 6:30," he reminded me, pulling my hand. "Abs, you coming?"

"Right behind you!" She called. "Come on, Nevaeh! Let's go!"

"Ok, Auntie Abby!" The girl loved the scientist.

~the Gibbs-Freemont home~

I was up in our bedroom, sitting in front of the mirror. I heard Abby downstairs with the girls, the sounds of giggles and play floating upstairs. I smiled.

"When was the last time we actually sat down and had dinner?" I asked, looking over my shoulder in the mirror. Jethro was figuring out which tie to wear. "Go with the blue one. It makes your eyes pop more."

I was putting a little makeup on, in hopes of making it look like I wasn't a working mom of two young kids. Just a little concealer, mascara, and a tinted lip balm. That was the extent of what I wore most days.

"It's been a while," Jethro replied. "That was nice of the team to do this for us."

"You know Abby loves watching the girls. They love her, too."

"Not just Abby."

"I know."

I was finished up, and slipped my heels on before standing up. It was a rarity that I got to clean up and wear something nice. Becoming a mom really changed how I dressed. It was pants and a nice top, instead of dresses and skirts. Hiking boots instead of heels.

"You look gorgeous, as always," Jethro murmured, pulling me in for a hug. I inhaled, breathing in his aftershave and the faint scent of wood that always clung to him, sighing with happiness.

"Let's take the Challenger tonight," I suggested as we walked downstairs.

"Hot damn," Abby joked when she saw us. "You two clean up nice."

I laughed as Nevaeh bounced over to us.

"Ok, monkey, mommy and daddy are going out to spend some time together. We'll be home late, ok? Be good for Auntie Abby and help out with your sister," I told her, squatting down to talk to the child.

She nodded, and gave me a hug. I kissed her head, and picked up Talia for a hug and kiss.

"Thank you so much, Abs," I said as I hugged her.

"You're welcome. Now go have dinner."

~after dinner~

"Hey, Abs, we're back," I said softly, walking in through the front door. "How'd the girls go down?"

"They're fast asleep. We had fun tonight," she said, filling me in on what happened. "How was your anniversary dinner?"

"It was good. Nice to spend some time with my hubby. We have a little left over, I think its going to go in the lunch jar."

We had a little jar in the office where we put change in and at the end of the month, we got a nice lunch as a team. 

"Cool. Well, I'm going to head home. I'll see you two tomorrow!" Abby said.

"Goodnight, lady. See you tomorrow," I said, seeing her out.

Jethro and I went to bed after checking the girls.

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