Chapter 9: Conversations

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Alice was no longer upset that she couldn't see clearly. "We'll have to properly prepare everyone, and we can't mention a lot of things around Edward. Oh shoot I shouldn't have had a vision so precise, what if he was listening?"

I started laughing because I could see she was thinking of something complicated to keep Edward out. "Alice, honey, it's ok. I placed my shield over you before you had the vision. I think the three of us can only know the plans we make. I figure since Aro won't be able to read my mind, he won't attempt to read my thoughts. But he will want someone that's close to me leaving Edward or Renesmee. If he chooses Renesmee, sweetie, you'll just show him whatever you want to show him, just not our plans. Whatever we decide, we have to keep from Edward." I hated keeping Edward in the dark about these things. I had to do it the last time we were being threatened by the Volturi and I promised him I'd never do that again. But here I was. I kept telling myself it was for the protection of my family, and that eased the guilt a little. "What were you thinking of anyway?"

"I started singing the Star Spangled Banner in Hebrew." At that, the three of us laughed and waited for Senora Muniz to start class. The hour was extremely boring because I had taken Spanish a few times before and I now spoke it fluently, better than the Senora, but she didn't know that. Finally it ended and I warned them that I would put my shield around them whenever we were around Edward, but to still be on their guard if I wasn't with them.

In the hallways, Edward and Jasper greeted us and everyone walked together to History. I rushed to Edward's arms because I missed him within that one hour. I was mad at him the last time we saw each other, and I wanted him to know that I wasn't anymore. He bent over and kissed me on my forehead and I knew everything was okay. "I see you're feeling better, love," he sighed.

"I am. Thank you for noticing." I really did feel better, it wasn't an act. "Edward, what do you think I should say to Sarah about her things? I mean right now they're stuffed in my locker. But what?"

"We'll just let her talk, and we can listen. Alice and Jasper will take my car home. All of us don't need to be there when she explains her story. It'll only scare her. It'll just be you, me and Sarah." That seemed reasonable, so I simply nodded and walked to class with my family. The rest of the day was uneventful, but mostly because I was anxious to get this meeting over with.

The day was finally over and I had a knot in my stomach. I knew that the plan would work, since Alice had seen it. We just needed to make sure that there weren't any extra outside factors that would deter the better outcome.

Sarah was already waiting for us by the car. Edward reached in his pocket to retrieve his keys, but just as he started to hand them to Alice, I grabbed them. "Actually honey, you, and Jasper head on home. Me and Alice will stay." I thought this might be risky since he could read minds, but I wanted real time visions, on what was being said. Edward looked at me puzzled and I was glad I still had my shield around Alice because I could definitely see that he was trying to read her for information. Nessie grabbed my hand and showed me that I didn't have to worry about her since Taylor was there to pick her up, and that she'll wait till later than expected to be home. She wanted to make sure that I was there to shield her when she got in. I nodded to her signaling that was a great idea, and waved to Taylor. Edward was still confused as he got in the car with Jasper, but he drove off.

"Alice, when either of us speak, I would like you to slightly nod if your vision changes in our favor, or shake your head if it leads to any outcome that you'll no I won't accept. Right now, I am preparing myself that she may have to become one of us, so leave that with the favorable outcomes." I hoped I made myself clear, since even I wasn't sure what I was saying, but Alice nodded and took her place beside me.

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