Chapter 8: Gimme

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Jackie's POV

"Oh really?" River's eyebrows shot up as he looked at me. Zara, you are gonna pay.

"Yeah, this morning, the girl woke up sweating, all hot and bothered. You must've done some magic on her because she had to take a zero degree shower. You, my friend worked wonders." Zara, what the fudge?

"Thank you for that revelation, Zara." I hissed. "Now, his head will get bigger than it already is."

But she continued. Why? "There was even a little wet patch on the sheets. She was breathing so loud, I had to sleep on the floor." Then she looked at me. "You nasty."

I walked slowly towards her and held my finger in front of her face, pointing at her. "You won't even sleep with one eye open tonight, you better lay with both your eyes wide cause you 'bout to die." She's my best friend but that was humiliating on a whole new level. "Hey Jax, I want to show you something. I have 5 years worth yearbooks for you to see. The Zara in front of you now is a gigantic glo up from grade 8. Yeah, this one right here used to be the ugliest thing ever, mmhmm. She had that head brace thing. Acne all over and thick-ass glasses. Skinniest thing I'd ever seen, no boobs and a flat ass. Don't even get me started on her hair—ugh! The rattie—"

"Okay, I think Jax has heard enough." She cut me off and tightly wrapped her hand around my mouth. But then she whispered, "I'm gonna hurt you tonight."

"Ooh, girl on girl action." That was Jax. The stupid thing.

I felt two thick arms wrap around my waist pulling me away and onto the sofa. "That sounds tempting to watch but I think I prefer it if Jackie is mine only." River is so cutely possessive.

"Yeah, Jax. Even if I did swing that way, Zara isn't my type." I narrowed my eyes at her. She did so, too. We stared at each other. Seconds turned into minutes and no one dared broke the silence.

A new voice interrupted our staring match and we both turned to glare at Jaden. "Chick fight. James, get the camera out." And the little twirp actually did it.

"If we give you some food, will you guys stop and eat." Finally, someone—Alex—came up with a solution.

"Yes! I need me some food in my belly! Is it fried chicken?" Maybe I was a bit too eager to eat something. Can you blame me? I'm a growing girl that need some goodness in my tummy.

"Actually, yeah, how'd you know?"

"Never underestimate my love for food. Now gimme." I lunged for the food but River held me back. "River! Let me go!" I was running towards the food but he had me tightly pressed against him so my efforts made little to no difference. But you never give up on food.

"Jackie, why is River smirking like that?" What Alex just said was probably the most awkward observation ever because I now had a hard thing poking my bum. Again.

And River didn't even try to cover it up. "What do you expect if you're grinding on me?" I turned around and placed a hand on his chest.

"I expect you to let me go and eat my food. You can eat it too if you stop restricting me. I want my food. Now." Man, I was real mature.

"But I don't wanna let you go." He said it in such a cute voice I had to stare. For a very long time.

"Jackie, you make anything and everything around you awkward. Just stick to being pretty." That earned him a murderous look. "And smart. And fun to be around. And seriously funny. Hahaha..." Yeah, that's right.

"Okay, I'm gonna cut the tension with a chainsaw right now because we're all suffocating and hungry. Let's head to the kitchen." Zara walked out the lounge but came back right after. "I don't know where the kitchen is. Jaxon, lead the way!"

As we all entered the kitchen, Zara was the one to marvel at the chocolate pantry. "Marry me."

"I'm having a strange sense of déja vu."

Zara turned and held on to the pantry door for dear life when she saw Dylan. "Good Lord! You are beautiful!"

"Please don't faint." He just had to bring it up, didn't he.

"And why exactly would I do that?"

"Because this one here, did." He pointed to me while I hid behind the packets of fast food. "I see you."

Yeah, yeah, so I fainted in front of an insanely hot guy. Time to change the topic. "Hey, let's eat!" As everyone got out their food—chicken!—I opened the fridge to see if there was anything to drink. Nothing. "You guys have anything to drink?"

"Beer is in the other fridge." Other fridge? What?

"Why do you guys have two fridges?"

"One is for food, the other is for drinks. Over there." Dylan pointed to the other side of the kitchen. Now I've gotta walk.

"Okay. By the way, did you guys see my phone yesterday?"

"Actually, I have it right here." James handed me my phone and I thanked him.

I opened the fridge and was shocked to see that the only thing in here was alcohol. "You guys got any lemons?"

"Top cabinet."


"The normal pantry."

"Cold water?"

"First fridge dispenser."

Okay. These guys are fûcking crazy and weird. Time to make some lemonade. "You guys should go to the lounge. I'll be there, right now." I commanded and heard heavy shuffling soon after, smiling at myself as I thought of these two days. So much has happened, it's unbelievable. I, somehow, managed to make myself a lot of new friends via my thirsty thoughts, make out with one of them, have a dream about one of them, be courted by one of them and have my best friend be straddled by one of them. Good times.

"What are you thinking about?" River's voice was deep in my ear and sent shivers down my spine. He grabbed my hips and pulled them towards his as he started a trail of butterfly kisses down my neck. When he was a bit too close to my boobs, I stopped him. Or at least, I tried.

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