Chapter 25: Missed

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Jackie's POV

It's been three months. Three months since I saw River. Three months since he broke up with me. Three months since I got my heart broken. Three months since I lost the boy—man I loved. What i didn't understand was why? Why did he make me leave?

I sighed as I closed my eyes, sinking into the feeling of the tranquility and peace. Since our break up, I found ways to cope. Believe it or not, I took it quite hard. I really did fall for him. I spent most of my time drowning myself in music and dancing sometimes but it didn't feel right. I knew that there was a deep part of me that wanted River back. It's not like he completed me because I complete myself but he became an important part of my life. I missed him.

Today, I decided to go to my favourite spa. One of the hobbies I took up was treating myself. I need to treat myself like a queen because I don't have a king. He kicked me to the curb. Zara recommended the place to me when I came back devastated.


"Babe, what's wrong?" Was the first thing she asked me when I came into the house.

"He broke up with me." I sobbed.

She engulfed me in a tight embrace while playing with my curly hair. "Shh. He's not worth crying for. Go take a shower and afterwards you tell me what happened, okay?"

I nodded to her suggestion and went upstairs. This was the most emotional I had ever been. The water mixed with my tears as I slid down the shower wall and crouched myself into a big ball of depressed. How could he have left me?

After my salty shower, I dressed into my favourite sweatshirt. His sweatshirt. The black one that had his scent smeared all over it. I snuck it into my bag one other day and he still hadn't confronted me about it. It draped over my body like a short baggy dress, only ending at mid-thigh as I snuggled into myself while walking down the stairs.

"Oh, boo boo. You look horrible. Look at your red eyes and puffy face. Come here and tell Mama Za-Za all about your day." She opened up her arms, the arms I jumped into as I explained the whole ordeal. The kidnap, the threat, the gun, the breakup. "The best thing you could do now is just stay away from him okay?"

I certainly agreed with that notion.


When I was here, I didn't have to worry about anything. This was my alone time. I think saunas were my new favourite place now.

A deep, "Hello." made me nearly jump out of my skin, screaming.

Why was there a hot, young male sitting across me?

Of course, he was shirtless.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I all but screamed out.

"I'm having some 'me time', I don't know what you're doing here." Dark Blue eyes, blondish hair, full lips. This was not going to end well for me. This guy is so hot.

His velvety voice was not helping. "Whoever you are, hot specimen, you have to leave."

He only raised his eyebrows at that, "Well, equally attractive female, I got here first." He stood up and walked to me, slowly, like predator and prey. Why was he looking at me like that? He was kinda staring.

"W-what are you doing?" My voice was shaking with caution. I shrank into my seat as I clenched my eyes shut.

He sat down next to me and leaned into my ear, "I'm claiming you."

"Okay... I'm leaving." I stood up abruptly and stormed to the door. The knob jiggled and jiggled until a cracking noise sounded the room.

"What was that noise?"

I turned with an awkward smile on my face, "I broke the door?" The statement sounded more like a question. "I just 'eff'ed up, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did." He chuckled, "But we can make it worth while." That devilish smirk did not look good.

Is it getting hot in here?

Well, it is a sauna.

"No, we can't. We've gotta find a way out of here."

"I don't know why you're getting stressed. Calm down. I'll make things seem better than they already are." Oh my God, this guy had an accent. It's so hot. Can he just continue speaking? "Come to daddy." He pouted and stretched out his arms, making his biceps and shoulder muscles flex.

"Ew," I didn't mean that. "No. Daddy? Really? Boy, bye." I waved him off even though I didn't mean it. "Grow up."

"I am grown." His abs flexed as he laughed. Oh, Lord.

"Really? By the way you're acting, one would think you're not even out of your mother's vagina yet."

He smirked. "I'm a surrogate baby."

Woah. TMI. "I'm sorry for your mom."

"What are you sorry about? She just didn't want to carry a child for nine months." He huffed.

That was funny. "What? Was she one of those moms who just didn't care about others when she wanted something?"

"Yeah, actually." That accent.

"Whatever, why are you in here? I come to this specific sauna every Wednesday at the exact same time so it can't be a coincidence that you randomly chose this time slot." I pointed out.

"Well, shame for you because it is." He stuck his bottom lip out in mock sympathy before laughing out loud.

I groaned, leaning my head back. What I didn't expect was to hit my head hard against the wall. "Ow."

"Hey darling, you okay?"

I gasped.

Hey darling, you okay?

He waved his hand in front of my face for a while before I blinked back to focus. "Hey! You zoned out."

Those words. With that accent. And that nice build.

"Um, I think I'll call for help." I started going towards the door before screaming and banging the door. "Help! Help! I'm stuck in here with a hum—"

His hand muffled my mouth. "You really shouldn't have done that."

I bit his hand. "No, you really shouldn't have done that." I elbowed his gut but he didn't budge.

"Stop struggling. I told you we could make this worth while but you just wouldn't settle, now. Shut up!" I was screaming behind his hand which didn't really do much.

Oh, goodness. What to do? What to do? Think fast. Well, here goes nothing. Using my knowledge of experiences with River and James, insanely hot guys are as horny as 14 year old boys who just hit puberty. Time to put that info to use. I wined my hips against his and felt his hold loosen but not enough. Feeling his you know harden, I pushed my ass back before he released me a bit more. I quickly turned around and kicked him in the d***.

He fell to the ground, a pained expression on his face as he started going in and out of consciousness.

Black don't crack.

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