Chapter 11: What even?

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Jackie's POV

A loud deep moan sounded in the room that only woke me up partially. Dafuq. I tried moving but I found myself restricted by very hairy arms. Okay? I turned my head back to see James in what looked like a state of ultimate pleasure. My eyes widened as I felt his thing poking me in my restricted area. My naked, restricted area. Oh no.

James was grinding against me and he looked like he was in heaven. Why is his face like that? He looks constipated. Okay, I'm outta here. I wiggled my body in an attempt to shake him off but it only resulted in him getting harder. I elbowed him in the ribs and he woke startled. The blow shocked him so that I could get out of his vice like grip and I stood on the side of the bed. He looked up at me hazily and stretched his arms while yawning. I guess I was looking a bit flustered because he asked, "Are you okay?"

Am I okay? Am I okay? No! I am not okay. His thing just rubbed my vagina. Even though it felt really good, I was feeling quite violated. Think about it. We basically had sex. Oh no, he took my virginity. "I'm perfect."

He sat up and leaned on his one arm. Mmm, he was shirtless. "Then why are you pouting?"

"I'm not pouting." I scoffed and looked to the side because those abs were just too much. "What did you do to me?" Why the waterworks?

"Um..." he looked very clueless, as if. "I don't know, was I supposed to do something? Hey why aren't you wearing any under...wear." He trailed off as he made a realization and looked in the bed sheets to see if he was naked or not. "Look, Jackie. I promise I did not do anything last night. I would never take advantage of you like that."

Then why are we both naked? And why were your rubbing your thing against my thing? "Yeah, okay."

"Please believe me. I mean, not to brag but... if I did do anything last night, you wouldn't be able to stand without holding onto something." Well, he does have a point. Am I not supposed to be sore after losing it? "I think I just had a wet dream last night and I just grabbed onto the nearest thing in reach. I'm really sorry."

"Okay. Fine." I went into the bathroom to wash my face and froze when I saw my hair. I was gonna spend a long time untangling any knots in my already curly head. "Urgh!" Ouch.

James stepped into the bathroom casually as if it were his own home. "What's wrong?"

"You being naked. Can you get dressed and go back to your own home?" I was looking at him through the mirror and my eyes wandered down to his little friend. Well, actually he was huge. "Yeah, go away." I shooed him away.

"Okay, but come by for gym in 30 minutes." And he left.

Finally. Alone. I saw my phone vibrating on the bedside table and looked at the screen. Oh, Zara.


Why exactly have you not been answering your phone, woman? I have been worried sick. You should check your call history because I called about 50 times last night! Where are you? Who are you with? What happened? Did you do it? And if you did was it good? Her voice was a little giddy at the end. But that didn't make up for the fact that she basically blew my eardrum through the phone.

"Woman, calm down. I'm at your house. I was with James. We just had a cuddle sesh. And no. We didn't do it. Technically."

Wait a few minutes I'm coming back.

And I did. I got dressed, went downstairs and just waited for Zara to come bursting through the door and demand an explanation. She did just that dressed very sloppily with a bird nest for hair.

"What do you mean, technically?" She sat down next to me and narrowed her eyes. Gosh, why are her lips so red? I inspected her a bit more and widened my eyes as I saw that huge hickey. Well, damn.

"I mean just that. He may have rubbed his anatomy on mine a few times. But he didn't stick it in."

Her face lit up at this information and she straightened up. "What? You? And James? You move fast girl. So..." she giggled, "How did it feel?"

"I should be asking you the same question. Did you really think you could walk in here with bed hair and a hickey and think I wouldn't notice? Give me the spice."

"Amazing. He was amazing. No words to even describe it." She was silent for a bit and eventually sighed. "Wow. He did so many things. I ca-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. It was good." I blocked my ears from her corrupting words. I did not want to know what Jax did to her.

"No!" She forced my hands off my ears and tried to 'reason' with me. "He was more than good. He was the best I've ever had. And you know that's saying something." It's true. Zara is quite the hôe.

"Yeah, yeah. I've got gym with James in like 20 minutes." I slapped her lightly, giving a light smile before going back up.

"Wait, what?!" I heard her running up the stairs, following but I locked the door before she could enter. "Locking me out my own room. Real mature." She scoffed.

"I know right." I shot back cheekily but let her in.

She fell to the floor painfully and she moaned. "Ow. You could've given a warning you know." She picked herself up and went to her closet. "I'm looking for some gym clothes for you because you never bring your own clothes. I don't know why you don't live with me. I mean, you're always sleeping here."

"I told you, I can't leave my roommate alone. She'd be devastated." I sighed.

She turned to face me. "No, she wouldn't. In fact, she's ecstatic. My mom contacted the university this morning to move her. And I got you off the system. You're welcome." She winked. What just happened?

"New roommie! Thank you." I went up to hug her. "I could kiss you right now."

She pushed me away and went further into her closet. Yeah, Zara's got the dream life. "I thought I wasn't your type." She said dryly.

"I was lying." I cooed. "Come here." I ran towards her, arms stretched wide and pursed lips.

"Ew, no! Go away, bîtch. Someone else will appreciate your kiss." She laughed as I squeezed her.


"Ahh, here. Wear this." She held up two pieces of fabric that could not be classified as clothing.

"Zara, what even?"


Hello, woes

Thanks for reading my book. There's more to come. ❤️❤️

Stay faithful✨✨

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