Chapter 19: Pray

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Jackie's POV

"Jax. How many girlfriends did you have before Zara?" Alyssa started.

"Um..." He started counting on his hands. Oh boy. Zara is not going to like that. I raised my eyebrows as he moved onto the next hand and prayed for him because Zara looked livid. "Zero." He smiled at her and Zara looked red as a tomato. How embarrassing to start jumping to conclusions only to be proven wrong. "Aha. I knew it. You think I was a player. Don't worry, I'm not offended." He rubbed her shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Alex, are you a virgin?"

Skrr. What?

"Yeah, and I'm not ashamed." Alex said loudly. "Bryan-"

"I have come with your food." The waiter interrupted Alex and behind him were two extra workers with platters. They all laid out the food and when our original waiter gave me my plate, he winked and told me, "Look inside your serviette." He was obviously very loud because suddenly I felt River stiffen up next to me. He left with the other two assistants and looked back a bit. I actually checked the serviette and saw what he wrote.

Call me when you get bored xx

River grumbled next to me and put his hand on my waist. "Not happening."

I chuckled at his jealousy and started eating my food. Everyone else followed suit and we continued with the game. I've got to say, I found out a lot of stuff about all these guys. Bryan once did the dirty with a teacher. Dylan had never kissed a girl—crazy, right. Alyssa has three other sisters. And River has dogs.

"I didn't know that. Where are they?" I inquired.

"I got a dog-walker for them today."

"Oh, River!" Ugh, Santana. "You've got something on your cheek." She had the audacity to use her hands to wipe it off and then lick it. River muttered a gruff 'thanks' and returned to his food. He ordered ribs and I've gotta say, my man is a messy eater.

"River!" I whined. "You've got some sauce on your lip."

He laughed and in a second, I grabbed his neck, pulled him closer to me and sucked on his top lip, dragging my tongue across it.

"Okay! You can stop now!" Bryan said. "You guys are hornier than a pack of wild dogs."

"Sorry. Not sorry." I said while sticking my tongue out.

He scoffed. "Real mature."

"I know right."

"You know what, let's go!" Everyone had finished and Zara looked very excited to go. As well as Jax. Suspicious. River, James and I went to the front desk to pay for the meal where we met a tanned blonde with a big chest and wandering eyes. Not another one.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She said while pushing her chest out. No, no, no.

"We'd like to pay for our bill please." River replied not looking down. So proud.

"Where were you sitting?" Why was she smiling? Can she stop?

"Booth 4."

Her eyes seemed to widen a bit before she told us the total. "Um...that'll be 350 dollars."

River handed her three 100s and a 50 and waited for the receipt.

"What, no tip?" Our waiter said as we were walking away. Bad move. What happened next shocked me but I guess I should've expected it. Quickly, River turned around and punched the guy in the nose. Poor man fell to the ground, holding his nose and started groaning.

"River!" I shouted.

He grunted, "Let's go." We walked hand-in-hand to his car with James as the new edition. "James, why are you in my car?"

"Everyone left already." He shrugged.

"You are such a cockblock."

James only laughed. We drove with music to fill the silence and James occasionally adding in some obnoxious comments. "Have you goys gotten it on yet?"

Since I was shotgun, I had to really stretch to whack this idiot on the head. He groaned in pain while River laughed. "Serves you right. I don't know what you were thinking asking that."

"I'm curious." A little too curious if you ask me. "I just wonder if Jackie's a freak in the sheets." He chuckled as I gasped and ended up having to lay fully across the back seats. "Woo! I crack myself up."

"Better make sure no one cracks your skull." River said in a low tone. I was still shocked from what James said. Does he really wonder? Even if he did, why do I care? Either way it's weird. "Jackie, close your mouth..." I didn't realize I still had it gaping wide open. Hehe. I just thought of a dirty joke. No! I'm turning into James.

"Before you put something in it!" James concluded, laughing all over again. I blushed a bright red—that wasn't visible— and River looked as if he was as embarrassed as me. James' cackle of a laugh sounded the whole car and he was convulsing on his back while I sunk into a big hole of humiliation.

Finally, I snapped. "Shut up!" And he did. River noticeably flinched at my tone and I made a mental note to ask about it later. "Please refrain from making your stupid ass comments for the remainder of this week. Goodness gracious." I huffed.

The rest of the ride carried on in silence with only the radio as comfort. As we pulled up to the house, River used a remote to open the garage and everyone else's cars were already parked inside. As soon as he switched off the car, James clutched the door handle and sped out the car, slamming the door behind him. Okay? What's his problem? "Hey." I was broken away from my thought by River's deep voice. "Sorry about the restaurant. The guy was just getting on my nerves. I mean, he flirted with you even when he saw we were together." Same here.

"That's exactly how I feel about Santana. You better pray for her if she's staying over tonight because I'm not in the mood for anymore bs." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He visibly grimaced and gave me a sorrowful look. "She's staying over, isn't she?" And he nodded back.

Oh, good Lord...

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