Chapter 28: I Need You

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Beautiful. Curly. Headed. Boy.^^

River's POV

"Zara, please let me see her." I pleaded as I banged on their door. "I need to know that she's okay it's urgent."

The door flew open making me lose my balance. "You look like s***. You are a piece of s***." She commented. "She's not here, River." Zara sighed.

"Where is she?" I panicked.

"She's gone to the spa. To relieve herself from the likes of you." She narrowed her eyes at me. "You know River, you really messed her up. Every day, she seems to get worse. She may put on a brave front but you broke her. You're possibly the worst human being I've ever met. Is this what you do? As a renowned f***boy. Lead girls on and break their hearts later? River, this is the last time. You better stay away." She went to close the door but I stopped it.

I was livid. "Don't you even dare say that to me. Do not tell me I'm the worst human ever met when you're the one who cheated with your boyfriend with his best friend. I don't care about your opinion. Tell me which spa it is."

Zara was a hypocrite. And it's time someone showed her. It was a day where I realize her true colours when I saw her and Alex in Jaxon's bed. Imagine. They didn't even have the decency to do it somewhere else but on his bed. It's been 2 weeks since I caught them and she made me swear to keep quiet. She promise me a chance to see Jackie again.

She scowled deeply. "Why should I tell you?"

"Because she's in danger. Tell me!"

"The Thai Sun Spa. 324 Grover Street. She's in a sauna. It's in a dodgy area. But you should be used to dodgy areas." She smiled fakely.

"Thank you." I snarled with spite and turned to my car. Speeding off into the highway, I thought of what I would say. I had to get her back. She had to understand. I just hope that she's safe whatever she's doing.

Elijah was nuts if he thought I was going to send him double the supply. These were guns we were talking about. Stupid Norwegian prick. I gave him his original s*** and he wants more. Took his b**** and now he wants my girl. As if he's getting his hands on Jackie.

I pulled up to a tall building and walked in. Immediately, I made a turn for the saunas and ignored the lady's protests. "Sir, you can't go through there!"

I spotted the open door and the open window. Rapidly, I ran towards it and cursed as I saw the track marks of a 4 by 4 van.

I can't believe I'm too late.

1 new message.

Got your b****.


Zara's POV

We need to talk.

I sent Jax a message. Short and simple.

I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Breathing out a heavy breath, I sat on the couch, awaiting his arrival. It was time I told him. It's been eating me up and I can't let him touch me without feeling like an absolute jerk. But it wasn't our fault. We were both drunk. We didn't know what we were doing.

A knock on the door made me spring up and let Jax in. "What do you want to talk about?" He went straight to the point."

"Jax, I'm so sorry."


Jaxon's POV

"Jax, I'm so sorry."

The words I never wanted to hear come out of Zara's mouth. I saw her tears fall and went to hug her. "I know."

"What?" She looked confused. "Did River tell you? He told me that he wouldn't tell you!"

I knew. "He didn't. I figured it out. I've seen the way you react to me, lately and I know that things aren't okay. You won't let me touch you, kiss you, even hug you. And you always look at Alex if I ever try in public. You guys have this awkward air around each other and it doesn't take someone with a PhD in Psychology to know that you guys had sex. I know, Zara. I know you guys slept together." I put my head down. "I know you cheated on me."

Surprisingly, I wasn't mad. I knew that our relationship wouldn't be perfect. I just didn't expect her to cheat on me with my best friend. Whether I admit it or not, it hurts me.

"Tell me, did you take his virginity?"

Her face contorted in horror at the fact that Alex is a virgin. Was. "Alyssa's going to hate me."

"Let's just sit down. You don't have to worry because they broke up before you guys did it."

She started. "That doesn't make things better, Jax. I'm such a hypocrite." Zara started pacing up and down the lounge, her fingers pulling at her scalp in frustration. "How could I do that to you?! Why did I have to get drunk? Why did I have to cheat on you? Why aren't you mad, Jaxon?! I did the same thing that happened to me. You KNOW my story! Why aren't you mad?! Get angry! Why aren't you mad?" She broke down as she dropped to her knees, crying on mine. "I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

"I expected it, Zara." I gently braided her hair, calming her down. "You went through something too traumatic for there not to be an aftermath. Someone like you had to have felt the need for revenge. And what's worse than doing the exact same thing that person did to hurt you. You just didn't expect it to be me. Zara, I forgive you."

"Why? I don't deserve it."

"Because I love you." It was the first time I said it. And the situation wasn't the way I thought she'd hear it for the first time.

Her bottom lip trembled a bit before her eyes welled up again. "I don't deserve you."

I pulled her up and cradled her into my shoulder. "Nobody gets what they deserve, Zara. Nobody does. But you've got to make the best of whatever life throws your way. I don't want to lose you, yellow-mellow." She laughed at the nickname. "And I know that you didn't mean it. I won't abandon you like he did, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

I sighed. "I need you."

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