Chapter 15: Appreciate It

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Jackie's POV

"I can explain." I was quick to say. I turned to face him and sat cross-legged on his bed, looking at him guiltily.

He literally just came out of the shower. His hair was wet as it stuck to his forehead, causing some water droplets to come down the side of his face. I followed one down his neck, his chest and his abdomen until it slid down his oh so sexy v-line and into forbidden territory. And then I looked up. But River was already looking at me with knowing eyes. "See something you like?" He smirked.

"No. But I know you do. Don't think I missed your facial expression when you saw me flaunting my stuff." I smiled, already knowing I was victorious.

"Touché. Now explain yourself as to why you were handling my phone and probably filling up my storage in the process." He crossed his arms over his chest and raised one eyebrow.

"Well, you see..." I started. "You have this phone called the iPhone 7 plus. It has a dual camera which automatically makes the picture quality better. So I thought... what's a few photos gonna hurt? But then, I got carried away and ended up having a mini photo shoot. On the bright side, I'll have some bomb Instagram posts." I finished with my hands up and gave him an awkward smile. "Sorry." I sighed, defeated.

He went into his walk in closet to get clothes, I guess, but didn't utter a word. I heard some shuffling but other than that, nothing of his deep voice.

"River, are you mad at me?" My voice was soft as I got off the bed and into the closet. Well, this was nice. I never expected River to be this colour co-ordinated or stylish. All of his clothes were neatly in sections and to be honest, it surprised me—considering his eating habits.

River was at the end of the room, putting on some cologne then combing his hair. He came towards me when he finished and damn me if I didn't put my hands up to God because he looked fine right now. He was in nothing but those grey sweatpants with the waistband of Calvin Klein underwear sticking out, smelling so good. I think I'm about to have a heart attack because there is just too much hotness in one room. "I'm not mad." He laid his hands on my waist and said, "Jump." And so I did. As I straddled his hips, he placed his hands under my bum. Sneaky little... "Let's go look at your 'bomb Instagram photos', yeah?" He smiled at me. I couldn't help but feel giddy as he carried me to the edge of his bed so he could lay me down and climb over me to set himself beside me. He grabbed his iPhone and unlocked it, clearing all his open tabs first.

I shifted my position so that I could put my head on his chest and drape my arm and leg over him. "Wait. This is another photo op. Gimme the phone, River." He complied with my demand and I opened the camera, getting right to snapping our form from the waist down. "Okay, now let's look." I handed the phone back to him as he gave me the driest look ever. "What?" My defensive tone was evident.

"Nothing." He replied, opening the Photos icon and started from where the first picture of me was taken. I've got to say, I achieved my goal of looking Tumblr af. My hair created a halo around me and my body looked amazing. I liked my facial expression so I told him to scroll on. It turns out, I can take some pretty good photos using a mirror, if I do say so myself. My favourite was the one where it was a focus on my back and hair. "Your ass looks great in this one." He commented.

I slapped his arm lightly as he chuckled, gobsmacked. "Out of all the things you could say, you choose that."

"What? I'm only appreciating beauty."

"You're damn right, that's for sure. Next photo." I said. It was the one that I took of him and I and we looked amazing.

"I like this one a lot." He spoke out.

"Why?" I inquired. I was curious as to why he did like this one.

River turned his attention to be solely on me and softly said, "We look good together." His eyes kept moving down and up so I thought something was wrong.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" I asked nervously, biting my lip.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?" What is this man/boy going on about?

"Biting your lip. It's making me horny." He blurted out. This guy has some nerve laying it all out in the open. "Can I kiss you?"

Hmm, should I?

"No." I sat up and got off the bed. "I want to dance. Do you have a stereo?"

"Uh...yeah. Over there." He pointed across the room flabbergasted and watched me walk towards it. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and put the volume up a bit. I went into my music library and picked Superlove by Tinashe as the first song. I knew the JoJo Gomez choreography off by heart so why not practice it. The opening words started so I decided to freestyle a bit.

Superlove, they'll never love you, babe
Like I love you...

I danced to the words and the beat, losing myself to the melody and I gave the dance my all. My favourite part came and I made sure to look at River for it.

You got riding on that,
Riding on that,
Riding on that...
Got me down and onto that split
None of them girls can do you like this
So I heard you out here looking for me and I wanna know if it's true
You've been looking for love, I've been looking for you.

I carried on doing my own moves and finally sang out loudly to the song I liked. "I want you, I want you, I want you to be my baby! Settle down, settle down, then give you a baby. Put it down, put it down, make your world go crazy..." My voice was horrible but this song made me feel like anything was possible. The next song that played was The Weeknd's Acquainted, to which I also danced to.

Let's just say, I didn't finish dancing to the whole song.


So, yeah... some hardcore flirting. Some suggestive dancing😏

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I certainly enjoyed writing it❤️

Much love, blubberingblobs✨

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