Chapter 21: Weird AF

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Jackie's POV

Man, I jacked myself pretty bad.

Bryan had called on their next door neighbor seeing as he was a doctor. He gladly came to help and told me I hit my head so hard, I got dizzy and started hallucinating. That explains the white chocolate bunny. Apparently, I just had to put some ice on my head until the pain ceased and I would move back to my normal self in about 30 minutes.

Well, thirty minutes have passed and let me tell you, I'm hungry as fudge.

In the time span, I had imagined everyone as various delicious food. Fried chicken. Ribs. Beef burger. Lindt chocolate. Oreo ice cream. Steak. Pizza. Mmm. All that good food had caused my animalistic side to come out. "Feed me." I growled. It made me wonder why is was hungry when we had already eaten. "Now. I need something to swallow." Death staring everyone, I stood with my hands crossed over my chest.

Jaden, Bryan and Dylan all gave each other one of those 'I'm not the only one who heard that, right?' looks and I swear I saw Alex and Zara smirking to each other. River scratched his neck, looking to the side while James silently whistled at him. Jax had a disgusted look on his face and I stood there confuzzled at what they were all pulling faces for.

"Why don't you go swallow River's dîck?" Alyssa broke the silence with that very suggestive question.

"She's actually thinking about it!" Jaden exclaimed in dry humour. He was laughing his flat ass off in his chair, along with Zara and Jax.

"I know I would." Santana mumbled not-so-subtly while playing with her hair. That made me snap my head towards her so fast, I think I gave myself whiplash.

I gave her a stank face and rolled my eyes. "Bîtch, no one asked you."

She mirrored my actions and it took willpower not to lunge for her. "But I said it anyways."

"And your opinion was unnecessary."

"Whatever leaves and enters my mouth is always necessary. Isn't that right, River?" She cocked her head towards him and batted her eyelashes.

Skrr. Can we back up for a minute? What the heck did this girl just say?

I suddenly went for the demon, successfully catching her by surprise. Since she was sitting on the floor, it made it easy for me to grab her hair and hold her down. I flipped her onto her front, using my knee on her back to lock her in that position while pulling on her hair. When I saw her legs flailing, I bent them and sat on top of them, still getting a nice grip on the dry thing she called her hair. "I dare you to repeat that sentence." My voice was menacingly low. Man, I been scared myself.

She never got to open her mouth because strong arms pulled me off her while tiny hands pried my fingers off her hair. I was thrashing in the person's hold, heated from what Santana had said. "Shh, baby..." His voice. His deep, velvety voice. "Calm down. Don't listen to her." River swayed me softly in his embrace while I regained my cool and relaxed, sinking into his being.

Wait, what am I doing? "Get. Your hands off of me. Don't. You. Baby. Me." I broke out of his hold and stared at him pointedly. "What in heaven's name does she mean, River? Did you forget to tell me something happened between you two? Did you guys..." I couldn't even fathom the thought of them... oh no, gag reflex.

"No, no, no!" He shouted. "No. I would never do that. Don't believe her. She's spitting lies. Please, trust me." He held my hands in his and searched my eyes for forgiveness. How could I keep eye contact with him? Or anyone for that matter? Too intense. "Please."

"Really?" I asked, keeping my voice strong.

"Yes, really!" Santana interrupted our moment clutching her head. Good. "Gosh, I was just joking. I didn't think you'd take it seriously. You need to chill."

I decided to ignore her and went upstairs. I was tired. "I'm off to sleep, guys. Good night."

"Night, Jackie!" A chorus came back to me, making me smile.

I entered the room, locating my bag and finding something to wear. Zara packed me a silk nightie that looked very comfortable right now. After taking off my clothes and heels, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Looking at myself through the mirror, I noticed a long line of dark marks from behind my ear down to my boobs. River...

I took off my underwear, and slipped on the nightie, getting into the comfortable bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


Wow. Being pregnant is not easy. I was struggling to make my way down the stairs in a tracksuit and flip flops trying to make it to the car for my checkup. I was in the third trimester now. Only a matter of time.

As I made it to the car, I switched on the fan and started driving to the hospital. Whoo! It hurts so bad.

I pulled up in the parking lot, went to reception and waited. Waited and waited and waited. "Excuse me! How long does a pregnant woman have to wait to see her doctor?!" I shouted.

The snobby receptionist only looked at me and gave a fake smile. "Ma'am, if you would please not speak so loudly. The doctor will see you shortly."

"Okay." More waiting. The pain is only getting worse. My vagina is in hell, right now. Oh, Lord. "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. Why does it look like I peed my pants?

The receptionist came to me and had a panicked expression in her face. "Oh my Gosh! Your water broke!" She told me. "Doctor!" She went to her intercom microphone and made an announcement. "Doctor Philip to the Maternity Theatre now! Your patient is in labour. I repeat! Doctor Philip, your patient is in labour!"

All of a sudden, I had nurses flocking me, the males trying to get me onto the bed wheelie thing and into a comfortable position. Although, nothing about this is comfortable right now.

We rushed into the theatre and Doctor Philip was already there. They had called River to come as soon as I was inside.

"Push! Push! Come on! Keep it going!" Doctor Philip encouraged. "I see the head, I see it!" And the body was out. "Eureka!" The baby was out but I was still in so much pain. Screaming some more, I cried for River to be here. And God granted my wish because he came bursting through the door. "Wait! There's another!" What?! "Push! Push!" And I did. The second baby came out crying, like the first. "Oh my God! There's a third. Push!" I did it again.

So much pain for three babies. I didn't even know I would have triplets. The pain was unbearable but I tolerated it as I held my babies. As I looked up, River already had a gleam in his eyes. It was so comforting to know that my husband was so supportive to me--

I woke up, startled. Breathing heavily, I looked to my side to see River sleeping peacefully. Oh, thank goodness.

That was a weird ass dream.

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