Chapter 18: Truth

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Jackie's POV

After a few more minutes of some thick tension, the waiter came back with our drinks. When he smiled at me, River put his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear. "This guy better back off or else I'll show him what he's getting himself into. Tell him to stop." Really? So he's just jealous? Wow.

"That's rude. He got me my lemonade. I'll do it later." I whispered back to which he only growled to. "Someone's an animal today." I giggled.

"Yeah, you won't be giggling when I'm an animal tonight." I gasped loudly as he nipped my earlobe. I shivered and I could feel that smirk of his. Good way to bring attention to yourself, Jackie, well done. All eyes were on us, even the waiter's and I smiled when I saw Santana's expression twisted into a snarl as she looked at me in River's arms.

We all went back to our business after the waiter took our food orders and started sipping our drinks, when Santana—funny, her name sounds a lot like Satan— created a scene. Unnecessarily, might I add. The fake Barbie had drank too much of her milkshake and a bit was around her bottom lip, dripping down her chin.

"Sorry." She said as she used her thumb to wipe it, then she licked her thumb, all the while looking at River.

"Look, I don't know what you're trying but...can you not look at me like that?" River told her and he looked very uncomfortable. His statement rendered everyone speechless except for Alyssa.

Alex's girlfriend spoke and let me tell you this, what she said shocked me even more. "Santana, we told you River had a girlfriend. Would you quit being a ho just for one night? Gosh."

Santana only rolled her eyes at her sister and sat back like a scolded, little brat.

"Hey, let's play a game while we wait for our food." Dylan suggested and the whole group agreed.

"What game?" Zara inquired.

"Truth or dare? Except this time it's just Truth." He smiled mischievously at everyone.

"I'll start." Jax volunteered. "So, Santana, have you ever stolen someone else's boyfriend?" Okay, start things up with a huge flame.

She hesitated, "Well, I didn't necessarily steal him. I mean, he came onto me and I didn't know he had a girlfriend. Besides, compared to her, I was obviously the better choice." Oh Lord, save me. This girl had absolutely no shame. "My turn. River..." Oh boy. "What is the best asset about a woman to you?"And couldn't take a hint as well.

"What's your surname?" River asked me in a hushed tone.

"Webster." I replied.

"Okay, the best asset about a female is that her name is Jacqueline Webster with a feisty attitude that makes my heart jump at the sound of her name." He smiled. And that made me smile. Who knew River could be this sweet?

I cooed and rested my head on his shoulder, "Aww, thanks."

"No need to thank me, I was only stating the truth. It's my turn. James!" He smirked an evil one at him. "Are you or are you not afraid of newborn puppies and kittens?" We all stared at James as we awaited his answer. I mean, that wasn't a really hard question. Who would be scared of cute little fur balls?

"Umm..." He stuttered a bit. "No-...I mean-...Not really-...Yeah-...Wait, no!" James took a deep breath before looking down. "Yes." He said ashamed. And I cracked up. As did the rest of the table.

"James, what the hell?" I managed to get out.

"Well, they're just so tiny and if you drop them, they're just dead. Not only that, they have tiny claws and paws that can really hurt the tender, human skin. It's a completely rational fear." He explained.

"But it's not!" And with that, I laughed even harder.

"Okay, Jackie! It's my turn." That shut me up. "Did you or did you not notice that the waiter was openly flirting with you and you didn't do anything to stop it?" Dammit.

"Uhh, yeah. But... I just wanted my lemonade." I whined.

"Fair point." River agreed. "I mean, if I wanted something that's not only the menu, I'd also try to get it, no matter what the consequences." Thank goodness, he isn't mad at the fact.

"Nice try, pretty boy!" I taunted. "Zara!"

"Oh." She rolled her eyes.

"Please describe what the guy who deflowered you looked like." I smiled widely. Because it was embarrassingly funny.

She 'hmmph'ed first before starting. "Well... he was a looker that's for sure. Pale, pasty skin. Acne, like bad acne, all over his face. Thick rimmed glasses. Thin, crusty lips. Shiny, runny nose. Always wore Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. He had fake diamond earrings. Oh! And the best part, he had his hair in a mullet." By the time she finished, Jax gave her an incredulous look. "Yeah, my standards have dropped since then." She smirked at him but I knew she wasn't serious.

"That guy sounds ugly." Alyssa voiced out her opinion.

"I know." Zara sighed. "It was a low time for me. So Alyssa, what is the weirdest thing you've ever done?"

She took some time to think before she came to a conclusion. "One time, me and my friend devised a plan. We both liked the same guy and this is how the plan went. So, she went to talk to him first and then I interrupted. So, then he was in the middle, with my friend behind him and me in front of him due to his turning around to speak to me. My friend groped his bum and while he turned around to ask about it, I grabbed his package and almost ran off. As I took off, he managed to grab my wrist to ask what that was. But I was too much of a shy freak to answer and instead slapped him across the face, which gave him a bruise for one week." She ended.




"Heck?" We finished the phrase as we looked at the pretty girl really weirdly.

"Hey Jackie!" Jaden. "You and Alyssa can be torturing buddies. Since you both like slapping so much." He smiled fakely, gesturing to his still bruised cheek.

"Wait, wait, wait." Alyssa pointed at me. "You did that? I'm proud."

I was also proud. "Hey, it's not our fault white boys bruise easily."


So, there's like 10 chapters left in this story.

I assure you it will be spicy. Thank you to those who've stuck with my work from the beginning. And thank you to those who harassed me into telling them the name of my username.(I'm talking about two girls in my school)

Just read on and you'll be in for a surprise.

Much love, woes❤️✨

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