Chapter 14: Red

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^^ for all those who thirsty like me👅💦

Jackie's POV

River placed my hand on his chest, settled his on my waist and pulled me closer. I was now flush against him, looking into his eyes. I wrapped my other arm around his neck, got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. As I pulled back, River lifted my hand off his chest to around his neck and bent down to lay a soft, chaste kiss on my lips. I responded with equal tenderness, grabbing the hair on the nape of his neck. I felt like I was on cloud 9. His lips were so light against mine. Not at all hard and aggressive. I liked it.

We broke from the kiss, both of us dumbstruck and just looked at each other. His brown eyes stared into mine and it felt like I was seeing the real River for the first time. He broke the silence first, "Does that mean you'll give me another chance?" So soft, his voice was and it triggered the butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know," I turned my head to the side, "does it?"

"I'm gonna go and say yes."

I smiled, "There's your answer." He wrapped his arms around me, laid his chin atop my head and I embraced him as well.

We must've been in our own romantic bubble a long time because all of a sudden, Zara came into the room slightly dazed and tripping, with her legs wobbling. She sat down on the chair and slumped on the table as she stared off into space, breathing heavily.

I walked over to my best friend and placed a hand on her face. "Zara?" She seemed to be out of it because she didn't respond. I waved my hand in front of her face and even slapped her a bit.

A voice from behind me spoke which made me jump. "She'll be fine. She just needs her rest." Jax held onto the wall as he walked to the chair beside Zara. He sat down and rubbed her back a bit before pulling her hair back and out her face. He played with it a bit and then started plaiting it into a simple fishtail. Um. When he was done, he picked his girlfriend up bridal style and walked towards the door. "River, care to open for me?" His voice sounded very worn out. But River complied with his request and looked in shock as his friend carried Zara up the stairs.

"What did we just witness?" I asked first.

But River looked as clueless as me. "I think they just went at it like bunny rabbits in there." Bunny rabbits... that reminds me.

"Are Dylan and Bryan gay?" Because the sight I saw earlier was not pretty.

"Bryan's gay, Dylan's pansexual." He explained to me. "They do that time to time."

"Isn't it awkward though?"

He looked thoroughly confused. "What?"

"Knowing that two of your friends that you live with are busy in a room fraternizing?"

"No. They like each other and they won't admit it but who are we to judge you know?" He held his hand out to me and like a gentlemen said, "would you like to go upstairs?"

"Yeah, I would." I grabbed his hand and he lead me up to the rooms floor.

He opened a door and brought me inside. "This is my room. Just sit down and play with the Xbox or whatever you want. I'm going to take a shower if that's okay with you." He gave me the controller for the Xbox and told me where all the games were before entering his ensuite bathroom.

This was actually quite a nice room. His bed sheets were a sexy black silk and the walls a deep, dark red. He had mahogany bedside tables and a walk in closet. Now what male needs a walk in closet? On the side he had a desk with an Apple computer, an iPad 9.5", and an iPhone 7 plus. I'm sure he'd need a plus for his big hands. His TV was planted in the wall with an AppleTV decoder underneath and his Xbox. I sat down on his bed and sank into the comfort. This was a quality bed for sure. I laid down on my back and sighed, looking up. Wait. He has a mirror on the ceiling? Yeah, a mirror. On the ceiling. This boy must love himself. I know I love myself just looking at me reflection. I must say, I look amazing. This deserves a photo.

Quickly, I stood up to get River's iPhone 7 Plus—with the dual camera— and got into the same position. His phone didn't have a password for some unknown reason so I accessed the camera. I snapped a lot of pictures of my reflection on the bed changing poses every time. I had to make sure my body was angled to flatter my shape and figure. This level was not at all flattering so I had to arch my back to get the fiercest position. This was fun. I closed my eyes and parted my lips for the next one in an attempt to look Tumblr worthy. Wait, wait, wait. The hair. I took off my hair band and laid my kinky hair out to create a messy halo around my face and head, with some strands in front of my eyes. With a lot of effort, I managed to snap a few photos without the phone showing, making it look like I was actually being photographed by a photographer. Smart, I know.

I turned around and laid flat on my tummy to create a faceless photo, focusing on my back and hair. I positioned my legs to the most flattering they could be and snapped a few pictures. River's phone will give me the best Insta photos.

"What the..." His voice stopped my vanity and I jerked onto my hands and knees, looking back at him like a dear in head lights. In other words, eyes wide, mouth wide open and frozen in shock.

I was caught red-handed.


So, yeah...

They're back together. I'm happy though. How cute and romantic was the first part ❤️❤️❤️❤️ my heart beats for them. I ship them so hard

Thank you, beautiful woes. Keep reading✨✨

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