Chapter 17: ALERT!!!

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Jackie's POV

We all went in separate rides since there were so many of us. Alex and Alyssa had come back at about 2 o'clock so they were also hungry. Jax and Zara tagged along with the couple in Alex's beautiful, red Mercedes CLA Class 250 while Bryan, James and Jaden got into a white Jaguar F-Type S with Dylan as the driver. That just left me and River to go into his matte black Lamborghini. May I point out again that these guys are drowning in money. Who has such expensive cars just to drive from place to place?

River's phone buzzed, lighting up as we drove out the neighborhood. "Please check what it is." He said and I complied.

It was from Alex. "Alex says that they picked up Santana so you should give me a warning." I trailed off a bit at the end. "And why exactly would they have to warn me about Santana?" My tone was suspicious as I crossed my arms, looking at him pointedly.

He swore softly before he turned to me for a bit."Well..."

"Keep your eyes on the road!" I panicked.

"Okay." He laughed but then his expression dropped and he grimaced. "Santana is... a forward little miss that just can't take a hint."


"I'm not done. Every time she sees me, she...tries things." He tilted his head to the side.

Now I was interested. "Like what?"

"You know... stuff you wouldn't like. All I'm saying is, don't worry about her, okay." He assured me. That's not going to work. "Please try to keep your composure. She'll say some things but I want you to know that you're the only one for me. Ignore whatever she says and remember that I only have eyes for you, yeah?" He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers for extra measure.

"Yeah." I said softly. Honestly, I have no idea what's gonna happen but I suddenly do not want to meet this Santana. "But I swear...if a FAKE ASS little girl does ONE thing to make me blow my top off, know that you'll be the one experiencing the wrath." Turning my head, I looked at him and smiled sweetly. "Understand?"

He nodded quickly. We pulled up to the restaurant in town and I've gotta admit, their food smelled mighty good and we weren't even out the car yet. I spotted Dylan's car but Alex's still hadn't arrived. Good.

River quickly got out and rushed to my side to open the door. Such a gentleman. He offered his hand, which I took as he led us into the restaurant. We spotted the boys at a huge round booth and guess what the stupid things were doing? Fighting. And not like guys too. They were doing the weird girl fighting, the one where you just slap each other's hands while leaning your face back. They looked like spastic sissies. As we approached, they stopped, almost as if they sensed me rolling my eyes.

"Hey guys. What took you so long?" Bryan asked. I only narrowed my eyes at him. He just smiled back innocently. As if. I slid in next to James with River behind and leaned back against the plushy couch.

"River, did you hear? Santana's coming tonight." Jaden asked. He was smirking which probably meant that he knew how bad this girl is.

River sighed. "Yes."

"And does Jackie know?" He pointed to me.

"Yes." River sighed again.

"And you know that bad things happen around that girl?"

"Yes." River hissed out.

Jaden laughed. "I wish you good luck, my friend."

"Speak of the devil, and she shall appear." James made Santana's presence known and we all turned towards the door. In came Alex and Alyssa with some other girl. I'm guessing that's Santana. She wore a plain white crop t-shirt with some short denim shorts and tan shoes. Nice outfit. Her eyes basically lit up when she saw us at the booth—or should I say River.

"River!" She spoke. More like squealed. She sat next to River and decided to kiss his cheek. Another girl just kissed my boyfriend. "How are you? I've missed you so much." She grabbed his arm. Why was she clutching it like a boa? "Ooh..."

"I'm fine, Santana." He said timidly and pulled her vice-like grip away from himself.

"That's good to know. We haven't seen each other in such a long time." She pouted.

River sighed, "I know."

"May I take your orders for drinks?" A tall waiter came up to us with a notepad. He was dressed in black dress pants and a white button down shirt with a thin black tie and a black apron tied around his waist.

"Chocolate Frappé." James.

"Times two." Jaden.

"Make it three." Dylan.

"Iced latté." Bryan. They're such girls.

"Iced coffee." Alyssa.

"Mango juice." Jax.

"Mango juice as well, please." Alex.

"Oreo Milkshake." River.

"Strawberry milkshake." Zara.

"A vanilla milkshake for me." Santana.

The waiter wrote everything on the piece of paper and counted everyone to make sure he had everything. His face twisted in confusion when he reviewed his paper. "Did anyone not order?" He asked.

"Me." I softly said.

His eyes twinkled as he looked me from head to chest due to the table level before continuing with a smirk. "And what can I get you, pretty lady?"

I blushed and sank down in my seat. "Um, do you have lemonade?"

"No, but for you..." He looked down again, "I can make an exception." And winked. PLAYBOY ALERT!!!

"Thank you."

"Coming right up." And he turned and walked off.

I'm surprised that River hadn't said or done anything in that space of time. Something's wrong. "River?"

He just grunted back. He wouldn't look at me.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired. The look he gave me made me feel like a lost and sad dog. In his eyes, I saw pain and anger. Was that jealousy as well?

Santana interrupted our one-sided conversation. "He's fine. Can't you see he isn't interested? Who are you anyways?"

"None of your ratchet ass business." I retaliated.

"Who you callin' ratchet? I know you ain't talkin' to me?" I ignored her, rolled my eyes and decided to engage in the other conversation. "Are you ignorin' me? Why do you think you are?" Eye roll again. "River, who is this bougie ass?"

He didn't answer. It all turned awkward and quiet while Santana and I death stared each other from either side of River.

This night isn't gonna turn out so good.


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