Chapter 13: My Girl

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Jackie's POV

James started doing his push-ups with me trapped underneath him. Every time he would do a trick and I've gotta say, they were impressive. He did a push-up then clap, one hand, with his fists, elbows, alternating plank push-up and my personal favourite. He simply just did a push-up but grinding slowly on me at the same time. He did it again, this time harder and slower which made me moan. So loud, everyone heard and turned to us. And he had the bravery to do it again. In front of River.

"Hey, James!" River shouted. Oh damn, shît's gonna hit the fan. "You know that's my girl." He walked towards us and took James off me.

"Well, I never saw you stake a claim. She's free, dude." Why the hell does James have a death wish?

"Step aside, amateur. Let a pro do this properly." Okay, was I a grinding practice machine? Not that I'm complaining. Who knew dry humping was this good? He ended with the song and gave me a deep, lingering kiss to finish off.

"Okay, we get it. You want her back. Get off of her. It's like we're watching pörn. Gosh." Alex hadn't spoken in a long time. It seemed he was the only sensible one in this whole group. We did as we were told and he introduced us to the new girl. "Jackie and Zara, this is my girlfriend Alyssa. Alyssa, this is Jackie and Zara, Jax's girlfriend."

"Hey guys." So she speaks. She had an I don't care tone to her voice and she was intimidatingly beautiful. She was dressed in a black dress and her makeup was done as if she was going out.

"Hey, are you guys supposed to be going somewhere?" Zara actually asked my question. Thanks, friend.

"Actually, yeah. We're going on a date. I just wanted to be introduced to the girls these baboons are fighting over." 'Baboons'. She understands us.

James cut in to defend himself, "Hey, we are not baboons. Besides that, did you bring your sister?" But what would he be without asking or even thinking about a girl every second of his life.

She looked at him dryly, "Which one?"

"Santana." He smiled.

"James, I will not let you play with her. She may be older than me but I look out for my family." Her face was flat as she glared at James and she shook her head. "I did bring her but I'm telling her to leave. Now. Let's go, Alex." And they left the gym. With James following after them.

"Alyssa, come on!" He shouted while running after them.

"Looks like it's just us now, huh." River said. Wait, what? Where's Jax and Zara? I did a full 360 in search of them but as the devil said, they were gone. "They went into the pool room."

I was in shock, "You guys have another indoor pool in this house. Just how much money do you guys have? Nah, nah, nah. Who's the blesser in this house?"

"Blesser?" He looked confused. "What do you mean, I've never heard that term before."

"You know, the one who provides you guys with money for something in return." I can't believe they've never heard the term 'blesser'.

"No one is the blesser. We all have jobs." Well, they must pay well because these guys are stinking rich. "And we also have inheritance money from our parents."

I knew it. No way normal jobs could pay this amount of money. "What do you guys do? Can we sit down somewhere, my legs are tired." We sat at the front table near the aux player and faced each other from opposite sides.

"Jax, James, Dylan and I model. Alex is an artist. Bryan is a singer and Jaden is a hacker in the dark web." Wait, isn't that— "And yes, we are fully aware that his job is illegal. But it gets money on the table so..."

I leaned forward a bit, resting my chin on my hands. "The fact that you guys model, isn't surprising. I mean, you guys are..." I trailed off looking off to the side. They're sexy ass mother-- you know what I mean

He smiled, "We're what?"

"Nothing." I said quickly. He did not need to know my thoughts about them.

"Come on, tell me." He leaned closer.

"No. If you guys model, why haven't I seen you guys on magazines or ads or wherever models appear?"

"Uhh..." He leaned back. Nooo, come back. "Well, James and Jax are signed overseas so you don't really see them here. I'm sure you've seen Dylan but you just haven't noticed and I... well, I model different things..."

Urm... "What do you mean? What's different things? I feel like you're about to tell me you're a pörnstar or something." Then his face changed. "Wait, you're not really, are you?"

"Well..." Oh no. I stood up immediately and stepped back hurriedly. "Where are you going?" He seemed scared. But I ain't falling for that. He stood and followed me while I sped to the door. As I was about to reach for the handle, he grabbed me and hugged me from behind, restricting my movement.

"Let. Me. Go. You expect me to forgive you and you forget the fact that you're an adult entertainer." Then he started laughing. Wait. "You were just kidding, weren't you?" To which, he nodded. "You stupid ass. Let go of me." Now, I was pissed. He did as told but then spun me around. He had the brightest smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. This little...

He stared at me and lifted his hand up to my face. I felt him stretch a loose piece of my hair and twist it around his finger. We stared at each other a while in silence until his hand slid down my arm to grip my hand. Our fingers intertwined—almost as if made for each other(cliché, I know). He brought our joint hands up to his face and kissed mine, keeping his lips there. I looked down to my feet shyly, shifting them a bit. River's other hand cupped my chin and brought my face up.

Once I looked into his brown eyes, it was over.

Alyssa is India Westbrooke and you'll meet Santana later.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think this is my favourite one so far. You? It gave me feels guys. Comment your thoughts on this chapter and keep reading and supporting

Thank you, woes❤️

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