Chapter 10: If only...

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Jacqueline's POV

James crawled into the blanket with me, but not before taking his pants off. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked him in horror.

"Hey, if you're going to sit with no pants on, I'm not gonna be uncomfortable in tight skinny jeans. It's just not fair." He smiled. "Put the Chuckles in the middle." He tapped the tiny space between us and looked at me. Who does he think he is? Waltzing into my best friend's home and demanding I share chocolate?

"No." And I went back to watching the show.


"Uh huh." I nodded my head absent-mindedly. Man, this show is good. Atlanta was only on the series premiere but I've gotta say, it's got me hooked.

"Okay, fine." I could feel James lean back and crossing his arms. Crybaby. During the ad break, I could feel something cold on my thigh. It gave me shivers—but the good kind. I looked to the side but James was focused on the commercial. Wait, he's smirking.

It was when I felt the sensation get a little too close to my prized possession that I spoke. "Okay, get your hand off, before I snap it off." My tone was threateningly low. Good.

"And if I don't." He whispered in my ear. I'm in deep shît. His hand caressed the inside of my thigh and I felt a finger go into prohibited territory.

I grabbed his little friend harshly and looked him in the eyes, challenging him to go farther. His eyes had widened a bit and he tensed up as I squeezed harder. "Should I go on?" I narrowed my eyes.

He shook his head viciously and took his hand off me. As soon as I took mine off he yelped. "Oh my sweet baby Jesus! Woman, what is wrong with you? That hurts." He frowned deeply as he caressed his anatomy softly. Okay, weird.

"That is a demonstration of what is to come." I replied. "Don't try that ish with me."

We carried on watching Atlanta and James didn't try anything. Next was Pitch. I loved this show. "Pass the Nutella." He said. Bish expecting me to share Nutella. Ha!

"Nah, b!" I just laughed.

He narrowed his pretty eyes and raised an eyebrow, "Pass. It." Aww, was he trying to be threatening.

"No. Bitch." I mimicked him and turned back to Pitch. I swear Kylie Bunberry gives me life.

"Oh, come on." He whined. "I'll even feed you." Hmm? That actually sounded like a good deal.

"Fine. But let me get comfy first." I shifted so that I laid on James' lap faced towards the TV on my side. This just ensured I could turn my head to get the food.

"You know," he smirked, "This is a very compromising position. All you have to do is just turn your head over and get to business."

Let me play with him a bit. "Oh, you mean like this." I turned all the way around and sat on my knees. I moved to face him and grabbed his strong jaw. I bent it down so to gain control and smirked when I saw his eyes freeze on my chest. My hand found its way into his silky smooth hair. Mmm. While I tugged at it harshly, my other hand went under his shirt to feel rock hard abs. Okay, thirsty thoughts aside. Focus. I ran it all over his torso and scratched a little. Aww, he was enjoying it. His head had tilted back due to my pulling yet he held eye contact. I noticed his eyes had gotten darker and his breathing had gone ragged and damn me if I lied and said this sight didn't turn me on. But... now's not the time to be appreciating beauty. I knew I had him when his eyes finally rolled back due to my hand fiddling around his happy trail. Damn it feels sexy. Without warning, James pulled me onto his lap and grinded himself against me.

Okay, deja vu! Time to stop this. I reached up even more and pinched and twisted his nipple hardly.

"Aah! Shit! Oh my God! Jackie!" He screamed and gripped his hair as I increased the pain measure. "Fûck!"

"And that's what you get for thinking of me as a sex object. Pshh. You thirsty ass niggas always wanting some booty." I climbed off him and got back to my position. "Now feed me." He complied by putting in a spoon of Nutella in my mouth but he was whimpering over the pain I caused. When I had licked the spoon clean I said, "Dip the strawberries in the Nutella and feed me like the goddess I am."

"Does the goddess also need a god?" He smiled weakly.

I looked at him pointedly, "After what just happened, you still flirt. Boy, you're asking for a death sentence."

"I was joking. Here. Bite it." He held the chocolate covered strawberry above me but as I went up to take a delectable bite, he moved his hand. I sent him a glare and pinched his leg. "Okay, okay." He actually did his job properly and I moaned at the sweet taste of the strawberry and chocolate. "You really should stop that." He suggested.

"Stop what?"

"That moaning that you do. It just gives every guy a boner. It's really sexy." Well. I didn't expect that. His statement rendered me speechless so I just kept watching the show.

I was so comfortable that I was drifting off to sleep. As James was stroking my curly hair, he spoke so softly I almost didn't hear.

"You're so beautiful Jackie. If only you knew..."


Short chapter guys. Sorry. But I promise I'll make it up. There's spice up ahead👀👀👀

Stay faithful, woes

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