Season 2 - Episode 2 | NOT REVISED

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Tensions had eased through Thanksgiving between Ky and me. After our fight, he'd seemed to let up a bit on Asher. Thank God. Even if it drove him crazy, he had the decency to keep his mouth shut. And that led us up to the day after Thanksgiving, when Ben was throwing a party at his house. Not only was it something for everyone to do over the break, it served as our place to have our next event.

Asher intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked through Ben's front yard. I glanced over towards him.

"Part of it is for show, part of it is for me," he said, not even casting his eyes in my direction.

I almost let go. But holding hands was so innocent, and I figured that just this once, I could let myself have this one. It probably meant more to the people around us than it did to us. He didn't let go of my hand once we were inside. It was packed. There was some loud music coming from one room, but it didn't drown out the cacophony of voices.

The first person I recognized among the sea of people was Ky. We nodded to each other, and then he noticed my hand in Ashers, and he turned away.

"Aspen!" Liv sang, running up to me with Christian in tow. She glanced down to see Asher and me holding hands. "Uh oh. Did Ky see?"

"Of course he did," I said. "And he wasn't happy about it, but he's not my dad, so whatever, right?"

Or, at least, that was what I was telling myself. I wouldn't just blinding follow Ky's demands, but some guilt still sat in my chest. I hated upsetting him. It felt like I was losing one of the few friends I already had.

"Do you mind if I steal you away for a dance?" Liv asked.

"All yours," Asher agreed.

Liv grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room where the music was blaring and a few people were dancing. I wasn't sure how long we spent just having a good time together. Asher didn't seem to mine. He didn't come find me until the event started.

A bunch of people had crowded themselves into the kitchen. I stood around the center island with Asher, where he claimed a glass. I couldn't stop fidgeting. My eyes drifted around at the players who were getting ready to prove who could hold their liquor the best. What did it prove?

James filled each shot glass with some flavored vodka. Some lifted the glass, looking at it, just wanting something to fill the time, whatever. Something to keep them busy with the anticipation. Most teams were being represented by the guy, except for Ky and Scarlet.

"The rules are simple!" James said loud enough for the packed kitchen to hear. I was just him. No camera friend in sight. "When you can't go any further, you're out. Shot goes back all at once when I say go. Any sipping, partial shots, or spitting means you're out."

"Guess it's good Aaron is playing since Lucie spits all the time!" someone called out. It earned some laughter.

James gave the signal, and I watched Asher pound his shot back like water. All of the glasses were filled again, same routine. No one seemed to have an issue yet.

Until we were four shots in. Two teams dropped out after that, sliding their glasses to the middle of the counter.

"Pussies," Asher whispered in my ear.

After shot number six, everyone had dropped except for Scarlet, Ben, and Asher. I was impressed. Scarlet had never struck me as much of a drinker. She powered through the seventh, which was what took Ben down.

"You're not going to win," Asher slurred. I glanced at him sideways. If Asher was this drunk by now, how was Scarlet?

Tension destroyed the room as they took their eighth shots, holding eye contact.

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