Chapter Twenty-Nine: I Should Have Known This Was Too Good To Be True

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: "I Should Have Known This Was Too Good To Be True."

"MORGAN HURRY UP!" Bryce yells upstairs for about the tenth time within the last five minutes.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" I scream, "do you not realize how hard these things are to walk in?" I wasn't really asking, but I do have a point. I've barely even made it down the second flight of stairs.

What was I thinking? Why didn't I just take the damn elevator?

Well, it's too late now. Halfway there. . .

A couple minutes more, and I finally reach the bottom of the stairs. I walk around the corner to see the two boys, talking in quiet conversation. They don't notice me, regardless of how loud these heels are and how I make an 'ow!' every few seconds. Bryce is wearing a black button down shirt that hugs his muscles and body shape very well, with his hair gelled only the slightest. He's wearing a dark pair of denim jeans, while Tyler on the other hand, is wearing a white button down, nearly an exact replica of Bryce's, just a different colour and the design is slightly different. His hair is gelled up like Bryce's, but a lot more in a faux hawk shape than Bryce's spiked up, and is wearing a pair of dark khakis.

They look a lot more formal than you would to a pre-college party. The best way to answer my question is to look at their shoes.

I glance down, and sure enough, they're both wearing formal shoe attire.

I shake the thought out of my head for the time being, and with Lucy's help, I approach the boys. This time, I catch their attention. Bryce's eyes grow wide with amusement and awe. I smile lightly at his reaction and his has a huge smirk plastered on his face. Tyler catches Bryce's shift in attitude, and he swings himself around so we're face to face.

His face glows like the sun, and he's is beyond checking me out. I blush as I see some wicked emotions in his eyes: there's a lot of love and affection, but I seen a little desire in there, but what caught me off guard was the short flash of lust. He's basically drooling over me. I move my eyes away, trying to hide the blush that's now deepened and well-noticed.

Tyler stares at me, but a few moments later, he shakes his head to clear whatever thoughts are running through that boyish mind of his, and he approaches me in three large strides. "Hey,"

"Hey," I breath back.

"You look. . . beautiful, sunshine. Absolutely beautiful." He says in a soft voice. I bring my eyes up to his, and the intensity in them is. . . intense.

"Thank you," I give him a small smile. "You're looking nice yourself." Tyler chuckles, and leans in, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead, and connects my arm through his elbow, and begins leading us away. "Can you go slower, please?"

Tyler instantaneously slows down. "You okay?"

"Um, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just having trouble keeping up with you is all."

"Then take the shoes off." He laughs.

"No! She is not taking them off, Tyler! Do you know how much I fought with her to get her to wear those shoes, let alone the dress? A lot of fighting. No, she's going to wear them and she is going to rock that damned outfit like a supermodel." Lucy intervenes.

Tyler looks back at his sister, rolling his eyes then scowling at her. "If she doesn't want to wear them, Luce, then she doesn't have to."

"Tyler, how often is it that you see your girlfriend get all fancy?" Lucy asks with a cross of her arms.

"It doesn't matter," Ty growls back, "I love whatever she wears. Whether it be when she's in sweats, a dress, or nothing, I'll still love it."

"That was too much information." Lucy gags.

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