swear yourself to secrecy

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Mei and Kiya
rush towards me
and engulf me in a hug.

I wrap my hands around them tightly,
unwilling to let go at all.

"We heard what happened,

your mum told my mum
and my mum told Kiya's mum."

Mei explains,
her dark eyes wide
with emotion and worry.

Mei explains,her dark eyes wide with emotion and worry

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I blink.

They knew about Orsai?

And Zeira, and Miria, and Joeas?

Mother trusts their mothers

enough to tell them?

Mei knew, at least a little,
about things, about my family.


Can I talk about Orsai? And Aoi?

No one had sworn me to secrecy,
at least,
not to my friends.

I allowed to speak?

Can I?

I'm broken out of my stupor
when Kiya pulls at my sleeve.

A.N. I'm trying my best to make sure that all and any plot holes are dealt with before the story ends. So please bare with me! Harmony never spoke up about what was going on, so she's rightfully surprised in this chapter. I just wanted to add that in~

Also, how's the weather where you are? I went on a mini road trip through the mountains this morning and the breeze was a bit chilly + a whole lot clearer (it smelt amazing up there, oh my god). Have you ever been on road trips? (And how long do they last? My mental image of a road trip is like 6 hours max, but what's your average?)

Strange questions, pfft!

- Maoiel

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