for brighter futures

67 13 7

"I can't leave Zaina,
what about Mei and Kiya?"

Mother looks troubled.
The glow from the sunset
softens her features
and makes her hair shine.

"Zaina is...
Your Aunt Eevie is thinking
of going back to Japan for a bit,
and maybe sending Zaina to school there."

I  j e r k  out of her arms

and sit up straight,

No, she can't be leaving!"

Mother looks sad,
her red lips tilting down

and her eyes lingering on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Harmony.
Zaina just isn't safe going to school here."


Hello friends, how've you all been?

As some of you may know, I'm a British expat living abroad (how many of you were reading this in an American accent? *sips tea*). Which is great and all, but it means I can't register to vote :( 

I know a lot of us on here are young and have probably thought to ourselves or had people tell us that we're much too young to even think about politics, but voting is extremely important. You're basically choosing what kind of future you want for yourself, your choice affects everything.

So if you live in the UK and are old enough to vote, then please educate yourself a little on the different political parties and then vote. If you're 16, then register so that you can vote once you're 18. 

And regardless of where you live, please do make some time to pay attention to the world around you and how it's changing. 

No matter your age, you have a voice - use it. 

- Maoiel

Soleil And Moonlight - Book 2  |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now