split the sea

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We talk for a long time -
    Aunt Eevie and I.

About Mother and Suki,
about him,
and about me.

We talk about me the most.
About what's changed,
about what's  l o s t .

Aunt Eevie tells me it's okay,
to feel afraid and angry and sad.

I nod and hum in agreement,
but I feel this strange, budding sense of relief. 

The sea of tears I'd waded through for years,

had started to dry up around my ankles


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a.n. Hello guys! I'm sorry for being gone so long. I think it's actually been a month since my last update?? Like what? How did that even happen? 

So, what's been going on? I recently joined a super intensive course (which has taken up 90% of my time), I revealed my real name, opened an instagram account under @Maoiell  (double L because someone had already claimed Maoiel!! Aah, I'm so frustrated!!) and learnt how to drink my coffee with no sugar or milk. 

I'm finally getting my laptop fixed, but a few complications have come up so I might still have to wait. Updates might still be a little sporadic, please bear with me.

I'm sorry if I worried anyone, but I hope you guys are all doing okay too. 

- Mao

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