the trouble with being smart

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"Here's last week's homework,"

She lays out my math homework
in front of me.

"Every time you're given homework,
you hand it in the next day
instead of at the end of the week.

Now, I'm very happy with this.
But what concerns me, is that 
your answers are flawless
no matter the subject."

I blink in surprise,

"You're several levels above 
your classmates...

with the exception of one."

I nod,
"My friend, Mei."

"That's right.
Your teachers are worried
that you two are...working together
or getting help."

"That's not true, Miss."

"That's what I hope,
but others are not as trusting."


Dedicated to yuenwrites because her work is breathtaking, check her out guys!

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