every which way

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And perhaps life was never meant to be linear.

Perhaps you walked twenty paces to the left, 

only to take fifteen steps back and turn right.

Perhaps living was so full of trial and error that

your mind swam whenever you came across

a new pathway, a fork in the road.

"It's the summer holidays,let's go somewhere?"

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"It's the summer holidays,
let's go somewhere?"

Mother's question was jarring

when it should've been simple.
It didn't feel like she wanted to
leave for a simple holiday,

it felt like she wanted to leave f o r e v e r.


Sorry for the late chapter! 

I have someone very special visiting me tomorrow so I was busy prepping for that (ノ'ヮ')ノ*:・゚✧ Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you feel like I've gotten better at storytelling since I first started. I'm all about self-improvement and setting goals, so I'd love to hear some constructive criticism (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

- mao

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