New home

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                                            Chapter three

She shows me the bedroom. I take that back it's not a bedroom. Its a mini house! It's got surround sound. One of those speaker things for if your house is to big and you need someone. A mini couch. A huge bed. A huge bean bag. And the best is it's all dedicated to music and zebra. I gasp.

"Its perfect! Thank you so much! I owe my life to you." I say and hug her. Jared walks in and smiles I hug him too.

"I'm just happy this big house is going to be used." Sam says and smiles.

"We can even make a room for your dog's if you want." Jared says.

"Really?!" I say amazed and yet spoiled and happy.

"Yes, just say what you want them to have. Cost doesn't matter. Or we could surprise you. I've always lived crafts when I'm not on the job." Jared says and seems happier then me.

"You guys really like to spoil!" I say and laugh. Everyone laughs.

"We can't always spoil ourselves. Now we have someone to spoil." Sam says.

"Ok we will get your things and bring them up. Dinner is in 2 hours. We will check on you in a half hour." Sam says.

"I'll start to plan the dogs room." Jared says and with that he's gone.

"Let me know if you need anything. I know this room isn't pry what you want but until you find what you want and when we do we can redo it." Sam says.

"Redo it? Why it's perfect! I love music! I love zebras! My dogs are close to me! I have you guys as guardians!" I say.

Sam laughs. "Ok ok. Let me know if you need anything. Help yourself to food and drinks. Explore the house. Play with the dogs. Get used to your room. The house is yours also now." Sam says hugs me tight and walks out shutting the door.

I walk around the room and turn my music on. It comes though the speakers. I gasp. It sounds so clear! I lay on the HUGE bean bag. There's a knock at the door.

"Come in." I say.

Jared comes in and the pups wonder around the room. Monster looks BIGGER! She walks towards me and begs for me to pick her up. I do.

"Thanks Jared." I say.

"No problem." He says and smiles. He puts my bags on my bed. Kisses my forehead and goes back out. I play with the dogs then all the sudden Sam's voice booms though my room.

"Its dinner time Aly. Bring the dogs we have dog food. Monster must eat meat. Dinner will be set up and ready in 5 minutes. Press the button by the speaker and hold and talk to say something back sweetie." Sam says. I've never been called sweetie.

"Ok." I say into the speaker. I take my bag off that I forgot I even had on and hang it up on a hook on the wall and next to it I take off my hoodie. Call the dogs and walk downstairs. Monster must have a memory because she walks right to the kitchen. Weird. But cool!  The dog's sit and wait for there food patiently. I sit down next to Sam. She starts to pass the food. I follow what she does. Sean and me never do this. I mean did. I miss him.

"I started the dog rooms planing. I'll show you after desert." Jared says.

"Thank you guys again." I say for the millionth time tonight.

"We already told you it's no big deal." Sam says then she continues. "maybe after dinner we can go play ping pong! We haven't played that in....a year or more!" Sam laughs.

"We should. Do you want to Aly?" Jared asks.

"Yes that would be fun!" I say.

"Ok. After desert go change into pj's and meet us in the man cave."

"Ok." I reply politely.

      We all finish dinner even the dogs. I walk upstairs and Monster is in front of me as always the leader of the pack. I giggle. When we get to my room I open the door. I see new clothes. Wow Sam put a lot into this! I'll have to thank her and Jared for the new clothes! I change quickly and walk downstairs making sure everything's off and locked. I nod to my mental checklist and grab my bag and put it on. I walk downstairs. When I walked into my bedroom the window was open. I never opened it. Maybe Sam or Jared did? I'll ask.

     When I get to the man cave Jared and Sam are already there. The dog's jump on the couch and I'm about to scold them but I remember Sam saying they could so I let it go.

"Thanks for the new pj's. And opening the window it was warm in my room earlier." I say. They look at me like I grew another head.

"Sweetie. We never got you anything or opened you're window." Sam says.

"Unless the...staff did it?" Jared says.

"I will be right back." Sam says and runs upstairs. She comes back down.

"Did they do it?" Jared asks.

"Nope. They say they didn't even know what room she was in." Sam says and sits on the couch opposite of the pups and I sit down with them while Jared sits on the big chair.

" don't think....he's.....he'" I studder on the verge of tears.

"No! Oh no sweetie! He wouldn't hurt you!" Sam says and hugs me. I can tell she's looking at Jared trying to get him to say something to make me feel better.

"He can't get you. We have security cameras and there's always 5 people watching them. Then we have that big gate around out fence and there's cement under the ground that would take days to get though. And we have no trees that he could use to get in. And we have people patrolling the gate and fence. There's no way he can get you. And you have the dogs . There is a ton of staff here. You have monster. And Sam and I are right across the room. Its impossible for him to get you." Jared stands up and walks to the couch and sits next to me and hugs me.

"I'm not trying to be mean. But I think I might go home it's 9 and its been a long day." I say. Sam and Jared both nod. They both kiss and hug me. We share our good nights. I grab my bag and Monster starts walking up the stairs to my bedroom. As always she's up front. We get to my room I put my hoodie on. I sit on my bed and help all the pups up on the bed

But of course Monster has no problem getting up. I open my bag and take a notebook ,sharpies out,and other drawing stuff. I start drawing what I remember of Jake. I finish him and must look at the drawing and fall asleep looking at it.

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