His new name

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I wake up the next morning in a lot of pain. I see the dogs and a note.

Dear Aly,

here's your dogs. Tommy is back again. With a new name. Here's also your bags and one of Jeff's daggers. I will pick you up soon. Keep safe. Working on your new dog.


Then there was an O with an X through it. I smile and put the collars on all the dogs and try to stand, my legs go weak but smile and monster catch me. They help me back onto the bed.

". . . Trender." I manage to mumble weakly. Smile sprints off and monster gets all of my bags and puts them on the bed next to me. She watches the dogs and Chill, Razor, and Fence jump onto the bed. Trender comes in when the pups try to jump on the bed and picks then up setting them on the bed, monster nods in thanks.

"Hello Aly, how do you feel? Your pretty beaten up." He adds the last part sadly. I give him the "so-so" hand motion. "Ok, well my brother stopped by and dropped the rest of your stuff off. I'll get you some crushed up ice cubes. You might not be able to eat much for a while." I nod and he walks out coming back a couple minutes later.

He gives me the crushed ice and a spoon. I notice his tentacles putting something up. I point a finger and tilt my head.

"Its a security camera. I'm leaving for a few hours along with Scarfy. This way I can check on you and know your ok. I'll be gone for two days, Jeff, EJ, and Ben said they would also watch and stop by. I'm also going to put a mini fridge with some stuff in it, use it sparingly because until one of the guys come you won't get re-fills unless you some-how manage to get downstairs or get one of the dogs to." He pats my head and sets a new bag on the bed, I smile at him in thanks. "Its got some stuff in it. Only use them when you have nothing to do." He kisses my forehead and then starts doing the fridge within reach.

"Ok, security's working. You can use your iPad to see anywhere around the house and lock and of the locks etc. " Scarfy says, I nod in thanks and go back to eating my crushed ice.

"Ok, all set. We are going, slenderman said he will stop by before bed to check on you and everything and one of the guys will stay with you. Goodbye and be safe." Trender says and disappears with scarfy.

I finish my crushed ice and put the cup on the bedside. I point to the couch- which is closer to the mini fridge- and Chill, Razor, and Fence take all my bags over there. I grab a couple pillows and a blanket and walk over thanks to smile and monster. I put all the bags where I can reach and fix my pillows, I lay down and put the blanket on me. Monster lays next to me and Smile is laying on my feet. Chill, Fence, and Razor are spread out all over the room- along with the pups.

I slowly fall asleep. I wake up to growling and barking. I sit up quickly and get dizzy.

"Smile." I manage to say quietly. I look around and see a shadow. "J-Jeff?" A deep chuckle comes. Ej steps out of the shadow. He waves and feels my forehead.

"Your burning up." I can hear the frown in his voice. He helps me sit up and puts me in his lap, I put my head on his chest. Jeff comes in and gives EJ a mug filled with crushed ice.

"Hey Aly." He says gently and hugs me. My stomach growls. I take the cup from EJ and slowly eat the ice while Jeff and EJ talk.

"She's burning up, big time." EJ says.

"Should we get slendy?" Jeff says.

"I was thinking hospital, but I know she hates them." EJ says.

"Her face has paled even more." Jeff frowns. EJ leans back and I follow his body keeping my head on his chest. EJ feels my head again.

"She's getting even warmer." He says.

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